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Appendix A: Mitigation

The following is a mitigation framework for the encounter.

It is not a plan for every single cooldown available to the party; instead, think of the following as a bare-bones framework to work with- i.e: these are the things that people will generally look for when mitigation is missing.

[Click to Expand] Mitigation Notation
Tank 30% Vengeance, Sentinel, Shadow Wall, Nebula
Tank 3rd Thrill of Battle, Bulwark, Oblation, Camouflage
Tank 90s Shake It Off, Dark Missionary, Heart of Light, Divine Veil
H1 120s Temperance, Neutral Sect
H1 180s Liturgy of the Bell, Macrocosmos
H2 30s Sacred Soil, Kerachole
H2 90s Deployment Tactics, Zoe
H2 120s Expedient, Holos

Anything that cannot be reliably present in a party.

  • Passage of Arms, Fey Illumination, Collective Unconsciousness, Consolation, Panhaima, Dismantle, Improvisation, Magick Barrier

Mitigation by Phase

The raw damage values have also been provided, separated into damage dealt to:
  • Tanks (MT, ST)
  • Physical DPS (D1, D2, D3)
  • Magic (H1, H2, D4)

Physical DPS jobs have higher max HP, but lower magic defense compared to casters.

  • Tanks have 110k max HP.
  • Physical DPS jobs have 77k max HP.
  • Magical jobs have 68k max HP.
  • Basic shields (Succor, Eukrasian Prognosis) absorb 8k damage.

P1. Omega

Party mitigation should be used anytime by the second Condensed Wave during Pantokrator. There are 6 seconds between each wave, so all tank and healer mitigations can cover at least three waves each.

They will be comfortably back in time for their next use in P2.


Condensed Wave #1

  • P: 50k-67k
  • M: 46k-63k
  • MT Reprisal


Condensed Wave #2

  • P: 50k-67k
  • M: 46k-63k
  • Covered by MT Reprisal.


Condensed Wave #3

  • P: 50k-67k
  • M: 46k-63k
  • ST Reprisal


Condensed Wave #4

  • P: 50k-67k
  • M: 46k-63k
  • Covered by ST Reprisal.


Diffuse Wave Cannon Kyrios

  • MT + ST: Invuln

P2. Omega-M/F

Healer 120s mitigations will be needed to mitigate Pile Pitch + Meteors. However, the problem is that we also need them to be available for the second set of towers in P3- if the party does not hold DPS in P2, there is a chance that the healer 120s won’t come off cooldown in time.

  • One option is to use the healer 120s to mitigate Optimized Bladedance (the tethers) and Meteors.
    • The healer 120s will be back up comfortably in time for the 2nd set of towers in P3.
    • Lets the tanks survive Optimized Bladedance without Rampart, in the event they did not pop it early at the at the start of the phase.
    • The healer 120s will not cover Cosmo Memory.
  • Alternatively, the earliest you can use the healer 120s and still cover Cosmo Memory is when the Flare markers appear.

Targeted mitigations, like Addle, Feint, and Reprisal have minimal use in this phase as the hard-hitting raid-wide damage comes from non-targetable sources. As such, debuffs are better used on Omega-M/F’s autoattacks.

Solar Ray

  • T: 170-198k
  • Rampart, short
  • Use Rampart when Omega becomes untargetable in the previous phase.
  • A DRK should also Dark Mind.

Optimized Bladedance

  • T: 182k-231k
  • Rampart, 30%, 3rd, short
  • Dark Mind will not work, as this is physical damage.
  • Healer 120s can be used to help the tanks mitigate in the event they don't have Rampart, and guarantee that they will be available for 2nd towers in P3, but they will not cover Cosmo Memory.
Pile Pitch + Meteors
  • MT 90s, ST 90s, H1 120s, H2 120s, H2 30s, D3
  • The earliest you can use the healer 120s and still catch Cosmo Memory is when the Flare markers appear.

Cosmo Memory

  • P: 85k-104k
  • M: 76k-96k
  • This is also covered by H2 30s and D3 from Pile Pitch + Meteors, and possibly the healer 120s depending on when they were used.
  • Any "extra" mitigations (Magick Barrier, Passage of Arms, etc.) should be used here.

P3. Omega Reconfigured

  • The party needs at least three pieces of 10% mitigation (shields count) to survive each round of towers and tethers without any healing in between.
  • You can get 3-4 uses of H2 30s mitigations, depending on whether you use an H2 30s mitigation early at Hello, World.
  • Tanks should mitigate Omega’s autoattacks between each set of towers. Some groups may opt to tank swap after the second tower to cycle through both tank’s cooldowns.

Hello, World

  • P: 74k-82k
  • M: 68k-76k
  • MT Reprisal, D1, D4

Towers #1

  • P: 89k-98k
  • M: 74k-93k
  • MT 90s, ST Reprisal
  • A WAR/PLD can use Shake It Off/Divine Veil early here to get an extra use at Critical Error.

Towers #2

  • P: 89k-98k
  • M: 74k-93k
  • H1 120s, H2 120s
  • This is the latest you can use healer 120s for them to be back in time for P4.
  • Depending on when the healer 120s were using in P2, and the P2 killtime, they may not be up in time to catch the full sequence, in which case healers may need to heal in between tethers.

Towers #3

  • P: 89k-98k
  • M: 74k-93k
  • MT Reprisal, ST 90s

Towers #4

  • P: 89k-98k
  • M: 74k-93k
  • ST Reprisal, D3

Critical Error

  • P: 88k-97k
  • M: 81k-90k
  • D1, D4
  • Critical Error needs an additional H2 30s, or H2 90s to guarantee survival.
  • Any "extra" mitigations (Magick Barrier, Passage of Arms, etc.) should be used here.

P4. Blue Screen

  • Because the Tank 90s, D1, and D3 mitigations are being saved for Run Dynamis (Delta Version), they cannot be used in this phase.
  • Only the healers will be mitigating this phase (with some support from Reprisal). Where they are used does not particularly matter, so they have not been included below.
    • Each healer 120s will last two stacks and two spreads.
    • Tanks will use Reprisal on the first two sets of Wave Cannons.

Wave Cannon #1 (spread)

  • P: 29k-41k
  • M: 27k-37k
  • MT Reprisal

Wave Cannon #1 (stack)

  • P: 46k-58k
  • M: 42k-55k
  • Covered by the MT Reprisal.
  • A SCH's Expedient is particularly useful here.

Wave Cannon #2 (spread)

  • P: 29k-41k
  • M: 27k-37k
  • ST Reprisal

Wave Cannon #2 (stack)

  • P: 46k-58k
  • M: 42k-55k
  • Covered by the ST Reprisal.
  • This is the latest you can use H2 30s mitigations and have them back by Blue Screen.

Wave Cannon #3 (spread)

  • P: 29k-41k
  • M: 27k-37k

Wave Cannon #3 (stack)

  • P: 46k-58k
  • M: 42k-55k
  • Healer 120s mitigations used here will also cover Blue Screen.

Blue Screen

  • P: 71k-81k
  • M: 69k-76k
  • H2 30s
  • H2 120s can be used to substitute for shields or H2 30s.

P5. Run Dynamis

There are a number of details when it comes to mitigating this phase:

  • How the party handles Solar Ray will depend on whether a WAR is in the party.
    • If you have a WAR, then both tanks will be able to use all their personal cooldowns to mitigate Solar Ray without additional help.
    • If you do not have a WAR, then the tanks will need to alternate who uses their 3rd vs 30% mitigations (MT uses 3rd first, ST uses 30% first). The tank that does not use their 30% mitigation will need Reprisal and two other 10% mitigations from the healers and/or D4 to survive.
  • Each Run Dynamis needs both tank 90s, H2 30s, D3’s party mitigation, Reprisal, Feint, and shields to survive.
    • It is expected that all tanks + D3 use their 90s mitigations when the second Solar Ray hit lands just before Run Dynamis (Delta Version). This will catch Run Dynamis (Delta Version) at the tail end, and be back off cooldown in time for Run Dynamis (Sigma Version).
    • A single player cannot Feint all three Run Dynamis, hence why we alternate between D1 and D2’s Feint.
  • Reprisal will be available for each Solar Ray and Run Dynamis. However, if the tanks are going to mitigate Solar Ray, the MT should use their Reprisal on Solar Ray, leaving the ST to Reprisal the Run Dynamis.
  • Healer mitigations and D4’s Addle are free to be used wherever appropriate.

Solar Ray #1

  • T: 242k-307k
  • Hallowed Ground > Superbolide > full mits + swap

Run Dynamis (Delta Version)

  • P: 131k-145k
  • M: 122k-135k
  • MT 90s, ST Reprisal, ST 90s, H2 30s, D1, D3
  • MT 90s, ST 90s, D3 should be used at the second Solar Ray hit for them to be back for Run Dynamis (Sigma Version).

Solar Ray #2

  • T: 242k-307k
  • Superbolide > Living Dead > full mits + swap
  • MT Reprisal

Run Dynamis (Sigma Version)

  • P: 131k-145k
  • M: 122k-135k
  • MT 90s, ST Reprisal, ST 90s, H2 30s, D2, D3

Solar Ray #3

  • T: 242k-307k
  • Holmgang > mitigate + swap

    If no WAR:

    • MT: Rampart + 3rd + short
    • ST: 30% + Rampart + short
  • MT Reprisal
  • If this is not taken by Holmgang, both tanks will need to pop Rampart when the arm lasers resolve.
  • Healers help the MT with mitigation.

Run Dynamis (Omega Version)

  • P: 131k-145k
  • M: 122k-135k
  • MT 90s, ST Reprisal, ST 90s, H2 30s, D1, D3

Solar Ray #4

  • T: 242k-307k
  • Mitigate + swap

    If no WAR:

    • MT: 30% + Rampart + short
    • ST: Rampart + 3rd + short
  • MT Reprisal
  • Healers help the ST with mitigation.
  • If H1 uses their 120s here, it will be back up just in time for Cosmo Dive in P6.

P6. Alpha Omega

There isn’t too much wiggle room in this phase given how hard everything hits, however, there are still some points worth mentioning.

  • Feint does not actually change any breakpoints in the worst case scenario, so its inclusion is just for comfort. It makes a small difference at Cosmo Meteor’s Flares, where a Feint with a Zoe ensures survival even with high rolls.
  • Be careful about applying debuffs on the boss during Wave Cannon’s spreads, for you risk not having LB3 at Cosmo Dive 2.

Cosmo Memory

(after tank LB3)

  • P: 74k-82k
  • M: 69k-76k
  • MT90s, ST Reprisal, H2 30s, D1
  • Tank LB: WAR > PLD > DRK > GNB
  • The party actually just needs one piece of mitigation to survive Cosmo Memory after the Tank LB3- the other mitigations are to put them on cooldown so they are not accidentally used elsewhere, and to reduce the amount of healing needed to top the party back up.

Cosmo Dive #1

  • T: 235k-286k
  • P: 94k-104k
  • M: 87k-96k
  • MT + ST Rampart + 3rd + short
  • MT Reprisal, H1 120s, H2 30s, D4

Wave Cannon #1 (spread)

  • P: 84k-93k
  • M: 78k-86k
  • H2 30s, D3

Wave Cannon #1 (stack)

  • T: 315k-370k
  • P: 102k-119k
  • M: 94k-110k
  • MT: 30% + short
  • ST: Invuln + give short to MT
  • ST Reprisal, ST 90s, D2
  • Also covered by H2 30s and D3.
  • If the ST is a DRK or GNB, they can use their 90s to mitigate Wave Cannon's spreads.

Wave Cannon #2 (spread)

  • P: 84k-93k
  • M: 78k-86k
  • H2 30s, H2 120s

Wave Cannon #2 (stack)

  • T: 315k-370k
  • P: 102k-119k
  • M: 94k-110k
  • MT: Invuln + give short to ST
  • ST: 30% + short
  • MT Reprisal, MT 90s, D1
  • Also covered by H2 30s and H2 120s.
  • If the MT is a DRK or GNB, they can use their 90s to mitigate Wave Cannon's spreads.

Cosmo Dive #2

  • T: 235k-286k
  • P: 94k-104k
  • M: 87k-96k
  • Rampart + 3rd + short
  • ST Reprisal, H2 30s, D4
  • If H2 uses their 30s mitigations when the fourth Exaflare telegraphs appear (when the party turns left or right when baiting AoEs), it will cover the Cosmo Dive and be back in time for Cosmo Meteor.

Cosmo Meteor (Meteors)

  • P: 101k-112k
  • M: 94k-106k
  • MT Reprisal, ST 90s, H1 120s, H2 30s, D3
  • Depending on when H2 used their 30s mitigation, H2 30s may not be available for the first set of Cosmo Meteor. This is still okay even if the ST is a WAR or PLD, as their 90s will cover the first wave, and H2 30s will be back for the second wave.

Cosmo Meteor (Flares)

  • P: 73k-90k
  • M: 64k-85k
  • H2 90s, D2

Mitigation by Role


P1. Omega

Condensed Wave (Pantokrator)

  • Reprisal to cover the 1st and 2nd waves.
  • MT 90s where appropriate.
    • DRK/GNB should use their tank 90s at the 1st or 2nd wave.

Diffused Wave Cannon Kyrios (Pantokrator)

  • Invuln. You will need to time the invuln on the fifth pulse.

Use Rampart when Omega becomes untargetable.

P2. Omega-M/F

Solar Ray

  • Rampart + short.

Optimized Bladedance (tethers)

  • 30% + Rampart + 3rd + short.

Pile Pitch + Meteors

  • 90s party mits
    • WAR/PLD can use their 90s as early as when the Packet Filters drop at the start of Limitless Synergy.
    • GNB/DRK should wait for Beyond Defense's kick to use their 90s to also cover Cosmo Memory.

P3. Omega Reconfigured

Hello, World

  • Reprisal

Towers #1

  • 90s party mits.
    • WAR/PLD can use their party mits early to get an extra use at Critical Error.

Towers #3

  • Reprisal

P4. Blue Screen

Wave Cannon #1 (spread)

  • Reprisal to cover the spread + stack.

You cannot use your 90s party mitigations, as they will be needed for Run Dynamis.

P5. Run Dynamis

Solar Ray

How the party resolves Solar Ray will depend on what tanks the party has.

  • Reprisal the Solar Rays that will be mitigated.
  • If there is a WAR:

    1. Hallowed Ground > Superbolide > full mits + swap
    2. Living Dead > full mits + swap
    3. Holmgang
    4. Full mits + swap
  • If there isn't a WAR:

    1. Hallowed Ground > Superbolide
    2. Superbolide > Living Dead
    3. Reprisal, Rampart, 3rd, short + swap
      • Use Rampart when the arm beams fire at the end of Run Dynamis (Sigma Version).
    4. Reprisal, 30%, Rampart, short + swap

Run Dynamis (all)

  • MT 90s
    • You will need to use your MT 90s at the second Solar Ray hit before Run Dynamis (Delta Version). WAR/PLD can use their 90s as soon as Omega-M is targetable.
P6. Alpha Omega

The two tanks will invuln the two Wave Cannon stacks.

Cosmo Memory

  • Tank LB3
    • Priority: WAR > PLD > DRK > GNB
  • MT 90s
    • This isn't strictly needed for survival, but it reduces the amount of healing the healers need to do after Cosmo Memory, and puts the 90s party mitigation on cooldown so it's not accidentally used at the wrong place.

Cosmo Dive #1

  • Rampart, 3rd, short
  • Reprisal

Wave Cannon #1

  • 30%, short

Wave Cannon #2

  • Invuln
  • Reprisal, MT 90s
  • Give short mit to the ST.

Cosmo Dive #2

  • Rampart, 3rd, short

Cosmo Meteor

  • Reprisal
    • Use Reprisal when the AoEs in the center resolve to catch both Meteor waves.


P1. Omega

Condensed Wave (Pantokrator)

  • Reprisal to cover the 3rd and 4th waves.
  • ST 90s where appropriate.
    • DRK/GNB should use their tank 90s at the 1st or 2nd wave.

Diffused Wave Cannon Kyrios (Pantokrator)

  • Invuln. You will need to time the invuln on the fifth pulse.

Use Rampart when Omega becomes untargetable.

P2. Omega-M/F

Solar Ray

  • Rampart + short.

Optimized Bladedance (tethers)

  • 30% + Rampart + 3rd + short.

Pile Pitch + Meteors

  • 90s party mits
    • WAR/PLD can use their 90s as early as when the Packet Filters drop at the start of Limitless Synergy.
    • GNB/DRK should wait for Beyond Defense's kick to use their 90s to also cover Cosmo Memory.

P3. Omega Reconfigured

Towers #1

  • Reprisal

Towers #3

  • ST 90s

Towers #4

  • Reprisal

P4. Blue Screen

Wave Cannon #2 (spread)

  • Reprisal to cover the spread + stack.

You cannot use your 90s party mitigations, as they will be needed for Run Dynamis.

P5. Run Dynamis

Solar Ray

How the party resolves Solar Ray will depend on what tanks the party has.

  • Let the MT Reprisal Solar Rays- your priority are the Run Dynamis.
  • If there is a WAR:

    1. Hallowed Ground > Superbolide > full mits + swap
    2. Living Dead > full mits + swap
    3. Holmgang
    4. Full mits + swap
  • If there isn't a WAR:

    1. Hallowed Ground > Superbolide
    2. Superbolide > Living Dead
    3. Reprisal, 30%, Rampart, short + swap
      • Use Rampart when the arm beams fire at the end of Run Dynamis (Sigma Version).
    4. Reprisal, Rampart, 3rd, short + swap

Run Dynamis (all)

  • Reprisal, ST 90s
    • You will need to use your ST 90s at the second Solar Ray hit before Run Dynamis (Delta Version). WAR/PLD can use their 90s as soon as Omega-M is targetable.
P6. Alpha Omega

The two tanks will invuln the two Wave Cannon stacks.

Cosmo Memory

  • Tank LB3
    • Priority: WAR > PLD > DRK > GNB
  • Reprisal
    • This isn't strictly needed for survival, but it reduces the amount of healing the healers need to do after Cosmo Memory, and puts Reprisal on cooldown so it's not accidentally used at the wrong place.

Cosmo Dive #1

  • Rampart, 3rd, short

Wave Cannon #1

  • Invuln
  • Reprisal, ST 90s
  • Give short mit to the MT.

Wave Cannon #2

  • 30% + short

Cosmo Dive #2

  • Rampart, 3rd, short
  • Reprisal

Cosmo Meteor

  • ST 90s


This assumes your H1 is either a WHM or AST. As double barrier healer parties are fairly common, adapt this as needed if H1 is a SCH or SGE.

P1. Omega

Condensed Wave (Pantokrator)

  • H1 120s
    • This can cover all four waves, if timed correctly.
  • H1s will also typically use their H1 180s abilities here.

P2. Omega-M/F

The ST will take more damage than the MT after Party Synergy.

Pile Pitch + Meteors

  • H1 120s
    • The earliest a WHM can use Temperance and still cover Cosmo Memory is when the Flare markers appear.

P3. Omega Reconfigured

H1 180s abilities can be used at any tower.

Towers #2

  • H1 120s
    • Depending on when a WHM used Temperance in P2, and when Omega-F was defeated, Temperance may not be available. If so, consider holding Temperance for P4, and substitute with Liturgy of the Bell.

P4. Blue Screen

The healers are primarily responsible for mitigating and healing this phase.

  • Use H1 120s at either the 1st or 2nd Wave Cannon spread.
    • This will cover two spreads, and two stacks.

P5. Run Dynamis

H1 is not responsible for mitigating any Run Dynamis.

  • This means you are free to use your H1 120s anywhere in P5 where appropriate (including mitigating Run Dynamis if you choose.)

Solar Ray

How the party resolves Solar Ray will depend on what tanks the party has.

If the party does not have a WAR, then you will need to help the tanks mitigate the two Solar Rays before and after Run Dynamis (Omega Version).

This can be done either via H1 120s, or Aquaveil/Exaltation.

  1. Invulned
  2. Invulned
  3. Help the MT
  4. Help the ST

H1 will typically use their H1 180s abilities at the front part of Run Dynamis (Delta Version) to help heal the first set of tether break, Beyond Defense/Pile Pitch, and monitors.

  • H1 180s used when the outer spinning hands appear (before the spin indicators) will cover up to Oversampled Wave Cannon (monitors).
P6. Alpha Omega

The two healers will need to decide who goes center during Cosmo Meteor.

Cosmo Dive #1

  • H1 120s

Cosmo Meteor

  • H1 120s
    • A WHM should use Temperance when the baited AoEs resolve- it is 19 seconds from the first set of Meteors until the Flares, and a well-timed Temperance will be able to mitigate all of Cosmo Meteor.


P1. Omega

Condensed Wave (Pantokrator)

  • H2 120s
    • This can cover all four waves, if timed correctly.

P2. Omega-M/F

H2 30s are used at Meteors, but you can get additional uses at:

  • The Solar Rays at the start to help the tanks mitigate both Solar Ray at the follow-up auto-attacks.
  • Immediately after Party Synergy to mitigate auto-attacks (especially for the ST).

The ST will take more damage than the MT after Party Synergy.

Pile Pitch + Meteors

  • H2 30s, H2 90s, H2 120s
    • Use your H2 30s when the kick from Beyond Defense happens.
    • The earliest you can deploy boosted shields via H2 90s and still catch Meteors is when Limitless Synergy finishes its cast.
    • The earliest you can use your H2 120s and still cover Cosmo Memory is when the Flare markers appear.
    • Seraph/Panhaima is typically used to mitigate the Meteors and Cosmo Memory.

P3. Omega Reconfigured

This phase is left unstructured with the exception of 2nd towers, as that is the only time you can use H2 120s to mitigate and still have them available for P4.

Each round of towers needs three pieces of mitigation (shields count) for the party to survive one whole round without any healing in between.

  • The rest of the party will cover 2/3 of these, so you have the flexibility to add the last however you see fit. For example:
    1. H2 30s
    2. H2 120s
    3. H2 30s
    4. Seraph/Panhaima


  • The party must have at least shields to survive.

Hello, World

  • This doesn't actually need H2 30s, although you can cover both Hello, World and the first set of towers if H2 30s is used before Omega is targetable.

Towers #1

  • A lot of H2s will use their H2 90s here.

Towers #2

  • H2 120s

Critical Error

  • This needs either shields + H2 30s or H2 90s.

P4. Blue Screen

The healers are primarily responsible for mitigating and healing this phase.

  • Use H2 120s at either the 1st or 2nd Wave Cannon spread.
    • SCH's Expedient is particularly useful at the 1st Wave Cannon stack.
    • This will cover two spreads, and two stacks.
  • The latest you can use H2 30s and have it back by Blue Screen is at the 2nd stack.

P5. Run Dynamis

Run Dynamis (all)

  • H2 30s

You are free to use your H2 120s and Seraph/Panhaima anywhere in P5 where appropriate (including mitigating Run Dynamis if you choose.)

Solar Ray

How the party resolves Solar Ray will depend on what tanks the party has.

If the party does not have a WAR, then you will need to help the tanks mitigate the two Solar Rays before and after Run Dynamis (Omega Version).

This can be done either via H2 120s, or Taurochole/Protraction.

  1. Invulned
  2. Invulned
  3. Help the MT
  4. Help the ST

H2 30s can be used to help the tanks mitigate the final Solar Ray after Run Dynamis (Omega Version).

Blind Faith will require shields for the party to survive.

P6. Alpha Omega

The two healers will need to decide who goes center during Cosmo Meteor.

The published mitplan doesn't account for Seraph/Panhaima, or Fey Illumination. These can either be used at either Wave Cannon, or at Cosmo Dive #1 + Cosmo Meteor.

Because SCH also has access to Fey Illumination, an alternative plan would be to use Expedient for Cosmo Dive #1 and Cosmo Meteor, and use Fey Illumination (and possibly Dissipation) to cover Wave Cannon #2.

Cosmo Memory

  • This needs either shields or H2 30s in addition to the tank LB3. Other members of the party may also mitigate this, if so, then you won't need to do anything.

Cosmo Dive #1

  • H2 30s

Wave Cannon #1

  • H2 30s
    • Use H2 30s after dodging all the Exaflares.

A SCH can summon Seraph when the first baited AoEs appear to have Consolation cover both the spread + stack, and be back in time to cover Cosmo Meteor's Flares.

You can use H2 90s to cover either Wave Cannon's spreads. The latest you can use H2 90s and have it back for Cosmo Meteor would be right after Wave Cannon #1's stack resolves.

Wave Cannon #2

  • H2 30s, H2 120s
    • Use your mitigation when Wave Cannon's cast starts. This will be while dodging Cosmo Arrow sideways to your spread position.
    • H2 120s can be used slightly earlier if you want- the earliest would be when the first Cosmo Arrow lines resolve.
    • Some SCH will choose to replace the Expedient here with Fey Illumination instead.

Cosmo Dive #2

  • H2 30s
    • The earliest you can use H2 30s is when the fourth Exaflare telegraphs appear (when you turn left or right when baiting AoEs).
    • You may want to use H2 30s early here to have the H2 30s back up in time for the first wave of Meteors.

Cosmo Meteors (Meteors)

  • H2 30s
    • Depending on when the H2 30s was used at Cosmo Dive #2, it may not be up in time to catch the first wave of Meteor hits. However, this is covered by the ST 90s (even if WAR/PLD). You will need H2 30s to cover the second wave if the ST is WAR or PLD.

Cosmo Meteors (Flares)

  • H2 90s
    • Not strictly necessary, since you just need a small boost to regular shields here. Consolation/Panhaima is an appropriate substitute.


P1. Omega

Condensed Wave (Pantokrator)

  • Feint will cover two waves. You can work with D2, and cover the first two waves with your Feint.

P2. Omega-M/F

There aren't any great places to use Feint in this phase, as all the major raid-wides come from untargetable sources.

Thus, Feint's best use is to mitigate the auto-attacks after Party Synergy (assuming you used Feint in P1.)

P3. Omega Reconfigured

Hello, World

  • Feint

Critical Error

  • Feint

P4. Blue Screen

As you will be mitigating Run Dynamis (Delta Version), you cannot use Feint anywhere in this phase.

P5. Run Dynamis

Run Dynamis (Delta Version)

  • Feint

Run Dynamis (Omega Version)

  • Feint
P6. Alpha Omega

Cosmo Memory

  • Feint
    • This isn't strictly needed, and is more to get an extra use, and to put Feint on cooldown so it's not accidentally used at the wrong place.

Wave Cannon #2 (stack)

  • Feint
    • You can also mitigate the spreads if timed correctly, however, if too many debuffs are applied on the boss during the spreads, the party will not build LB gauge, and this will cause the party to only have LB2 when it's time to melee LB3 at Cosmo Dive #2.


This assumes D2 is a melee DPS.

P1. Omega

Condensed Wave (Pantokrator)

  • Feint will cover two waves. You can work with D1, and cover the third and fourth waves with your Feint.

P2. Omega-M/F

There aren't any great places to use Feint in this phase, as all the major raid-wides come from untargetable sources.

Thus, Feint's best use is to mitigate the auto-attacks after Party Synergy (assuming you used Feint in P1.)

P3. Omega Reconfigured

Your Feint doesn't actually change any breakpoints with a high roll during the towers, hence it is not part of the mitigation framework.

As such, feel free to use your Feint at any tower, although D1 has their Feint at Hello, World and Critical Error.

Alternatively, you can also use Feint to help mitigate Omega's auto-attacks in between tower sets.

P4. Blue Screen

You can use Feint anywhere in this phase. The better places would either be at the third Wave Cannon spread, or at Blue Screen.

P5. Run Dynamis

Run Dynamis (Sigma Version)

  • Feint

Solar Ray #4 (after Omega)

  • Feint
    • Not strictly necessary, but nice to have, especially if the party doesn't have a WAR.
P6. Alpha Omega

Wave Cannon #1 (stack)

  • Feint
    • You can also mitigate the spreads if timed correctly, however, if too many debuffs are applied on the boss during the spreads, the party will not build LB gauge, and this will cause the party to only have LB2 when it's time to melee LB3 at Cosmo Dive #2.

Cosmo Meteor (Flares)

  • Feint
    • This is to help guard against a high-roll (or if someone happens to be a bit too close).


Notably, because MCH has Dismantle for on-demand mitigation, there are some modifications that are available to MCH that are not available to BRD or DNC.

P1. Omega

Condensed Wave (Pantokrator)

  • D3 party mitigation will cover three waves if timed correctly. Use your party mitigation at either the first, or second wave.
  • MCH can split Tactician and Dismantle to cover all four waves. Dismantle will cover two waves.

P2. Omega-M/F

Pile Pitch + Meteors → Cosmo Memory

  • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba
    • Wait for Beyond Defense's kick to use your party mitigation to also cover Cosmo Memory.

A BRD can use Nature's Minne to help H2's shields when Limitless Synergy is cast.

P3. Omega Reconfigured

A DNC should start Improvisation when Omega-F is defeated in the previous phase to mitigate the transition.

Towers #4

  • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba

MCH can use Tactician or Dismantle to cover an extra set of towers in addition to the fourth set.

P4. Blue Screen

You will need to use your party mitigation for Run Dynamis (Delta Version), so you will not be mitigating this phase.

However, a MCH can Tactician here and save Dismantle for Run Dynamis (Delta Version). If so, use Tactician just before the second Wave Cannon stack, as this would mitigate two stacks (which do more damage than spreads).

P5. Run Dynamis

Run Dynamis (all)

  • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba
    • You will need to use your party mitigations at the second Solar Ray hit before Run Dynamis (Delta Version).
    • MCH can substitute Dismantle for Tactician, although you cannot Dismantle two consecutive Run Dynamis.

MCH can use Dismantle in other places, particularly during Solar Ray if the party doesn't have a WAR. You may want to check with your D4 if they are going to Addle a Solar Ray, and Dismantle the one they don't choose.

P6. Alpha Omega

Wave Cannon #1

  • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba
    • Use Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba after dodging all the Exaflares.

Cosmo Meteor (Meteors)

  • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba
    • Use this when the baited AoE telegraphs appear (and the party is still together.)

A MCH can use Dismantle anywhere in this phase- the most typical use would be at Wave Cannon #2's stack.

Do not use Dismantle at Wave Cannon's spread, as it can lead to the party applying too many debuffs during this time, causing the party to not build LB gauge and only have LB2 when it's time to melee LB3 at Cosmo Dive #2.


P1. Omega

Condensed Wave (Pantokrator)

  • Addle will cover two waves. Use it at any of the first three waves.

P2. Omega-M/F

There aren't any great places to use Addle in this phase, as all the major raid-wides come from untargetable sources.

Thus, the best use of Addle is to mitigate Omega-F's auto-attacks after Party Synergy.

A RDM can use Magick Barrier at either Meteors, or Cosmo Memory. If the party's tanks are WAR + PLD, use Magick Barrier at Cosmo Memory.

P3. Omega Reconfigured

Hello, World

  • Addle

Critical Error

  • Addle

P4. Blue Screen

Addle will be on cooldown during this phase.

It will be back up for Blue Screen, but there is little reason to do so when mitigating Run Dynamis (Delta Version) would have greater impact.

P5. Run Dynamis

The mitigation plan for this phase doesn't include Addle, as Addle is not available for all three Run Dynamis.

As such, you are free to use Addle (and Magick Barrier) anywhere in this phase.

If the party does not have a WAR, Addle is particularly helpful at helping the tanks mitigate the Solar Ray before Run Dynamis (Omega Version), as you cannot Addle both the Solar Ray before and after, Run Dynamis (Omega Version), but H2 can use H2 30s for the one after.

P6. Alpha Omega

Cosmo Dive #1

  • Addle

Cosmo Dive #2

  • Addle

A RDM would typically use Magick Barrier at Wave Cannon #2's stack.

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