Pandora (WIP)

Details may be missing, or subject to change until I have better first-hand experience.

After the cutscene, Pandora quickly opens with her first mechanic.

Fulgent Blade

The boss will cast Fulgent Blade, which starts with raid-wide damage. The boss will also autoattack during this sequence (before casting to cast Akh Morn).

Pandora’s autoattacks hit the top two players with hate (which should be both tanks).

1. Six lines will be drawn on the ground somewhere in this formation.

2. Identify the four right-angled triangles making up a "crown" (marked in green), and orient your camera to face them.

3. Either the two left-most or the two right-most lines will glow with a telegraph.

Which pair of lines glow first indicates the order of the next pair of lines as they make their way around the crown.

In this case, the two right-most lines glow first, so the lines will glow in an be anti-clockwise order.

4. The first set of line AoEs resolve. The AoEs will intersect in a diamond (marked in green), which you'll want to watch.

Stand a bit away from the diamond, and prepare to move in.

5. Dodge into the diamond (marked in green).

6. When the next set of line AoEs go off, the lines will make two angles- one at 90 degrees, and the other at 135 degrees (marked in green).

Move away from the 90 degree angle.

7. We alternate between dodging into the diamond, and pulling back again.

Here, we dodge into the diamond (marked in green).

8. And pull back once more.

The boss will stop following the main tank and begin to cast Akh Morn.

9. This will be the third (and final) dodge into the diamond.

10. Wait for one more set of line AoEs to resolve.

11. Akh Morn resolves shortly after the next set of line AoEs.

Stack in 4-man light parties, with one party on the boss's left, and one party on the boss's right.

  • Left side (facing the boss): MT, H1, D1, D3
  • Right side (facing the boss): ST, H2, D2, D4

After the Akh Morn, Pandora goes straight into the next mechanic.

Paradise Regained

This is the most complex mechanic of the phase. The strategy below follows Nukemaru’s recommendation.

12. Find the first tower. Use this tower as South.

  • MT: Rotate to the new "North".
  • H1, H2: Preposition in the first tower.

13. The second tower appears.

At the same time, the boss will cast Wings Dark and Light, and one of the boss's wings will glow.

  • MT + ST: Tank swap during the Wings Dark and Light cast.

The healers adjust within their tower, while the DPS moves East or West, whichever side is safe.

  • Left (Light) wing glows: Move to the right side of the boss.
  • Right (Dark) wing glows: Move to the left side of the boss.

A tether will also appear, which needs to go to the ST. It cannot be passed around, but instead automatically tethers to either the nearest or furthest player that is not the player with aggro (depending on the wing).

  • Left (Light) wing glows: ST needs to be the furthest.
  • Right (Dark) wing glows: ST needs to be the nearest.
Left (Light) wing first Right (Dark) wing first

14. The third tower appears and the other wing glows.

DPS can preposition in the second or third tower, whichever is safe from the first wing.

15. The boss will turn and cleave the MT.

The first cleave resolves together with the first tower (which should be taken by H1 and H2).

  • MT: If the first cleave was Dark, move out. If the first cleave was Light, move in instead.
  • H1, H2: Move North after resolving your tower.
  • D1, D2: Cross over to the other tower (that just got hit by the first cleave).
  • D3, D4: Enter the tower on the safe side of the first cleave.

16. The boss now cleaves the ST.

This second cleave resolves together with the second tower (which should be taken by two DPS).

17. The two remaining DPS stay put for the third tower.

The boss then goes into its final mechanic of the loop.

Polarizing Strikes

This is the simplest mechanic of the phase, consisting of four rounds of stack damage.

18. Make two lines SW and SE with the tanks in front.

The boss will fire a Light-aspected line AoE at the line on the left, and a Dark-aspected line AoE at the line on the right.

Both line AoEs will leave behind a residual AoE that explodes again shortly.

The player in front of each line (which should be the tanks) will also get a Light Resistance Down or a Dark Resistance Down debuff (depending on which line hit them).

19. After the line AoEs go off, return to the two lines SW and SE.

However, because the first player in each line got a Light Resistance Down and Dark Resistance Down debuff, they cannot rejoin their previous line.

As a result, the two people that were in front of the line before needs to switch sides.

20. The process then repeats for a total of four times, with a different player at the front of the line instead.

  • Tanks > Melee > Ranged > Healers

After this, Pandora casts Pandora’s Box, which is a Tank LB3 check.

From there, the mechanics repeat from Fulgent Blade. At the end of the second loop, Pandora casts Paradise Lost for enrage instead of Pandora’s Box.

Sometime during this, Ryne will exclaim “You can weather this! I know you can!” and give you 1.5 bars worth of Limit Break, which should reach an LB3. When she does so, immediately LB3 (or it will not resolve before the enrage).

Ryne and Gaia will both exclaim “Yaaaaaargh!” if the LB3 will finish the job (it deals about 2.5% of the boss’s max HP in damage) for a cinematic finish.

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