Usurper of Frost

This is version 3.3, that’s based off the Google Doc with three options for Light Rampant.

The boss opens the fight with Quadruple Slap on the player with most hate (which should be the MT).

Despite the name, this is actually a “two-hit” tankbuster, but the first hit applies a Physical Vulnerability Up debuff that can be Esuna’ed.

The boss then teleports slightly south of center and casts Mirror Image which summons an (untargetable) Oracle’s Reflection before casting Diamond Dust for heavy raid-wide damage.

Diamond Dust - Colour-coded

Diamond Dust resolves itself in a very similar way to Diamond Frost in Eden’s Verse: Refulgence (Savage). We resolve this using the colour-coded markers.

1. Take up the spread positions from P1.

Two tells begin at the same time:

  1. The Oracle's Reflection then readies either Axe Kick, or Scythe Kick:
    • Axe Kick ("Cleave!"): large, point-blank AoE.
    • Scythe Kick: ("Reap!"): Donut AoE.
  2. Two circles will appear opposite one another at a random cardinal or intercardinal.

(In this example, the circles spawn on cardinals.)

2. First, identify whether the boss is doing Axe Kick or Scythe Kick as the resulting AoE determines the usable space.

Axe Kick Scythe Kick

Use the outer ring on the floor.

Use the star/shuriken in the center of the floor.

3. Then, either the tanks/healers or the DPS will be selected to drop AoEs.

Each pair (MTD3, STD4, H1D1, H2D2) is responsible for their quadrant

  • The players with the AoEs should be 45 degrees to a white circle.
  • The players without the AoEs should be 0 or 90 degrees to a white circle.

Swap positions within your pair if needed (i.e: Swap if the AoEs spawn on the first white circles.).

Tank/Healers dropping AoEs, Circles on a cardinal DPS dropping AoEs, Circles on a cardinal
Tank/Healers dropping AoEs, Circles on an intercardinal DPS dropping AoEs, Circles on an intercardinal

4. The Axe/Scythe Kick will also fire a cone AoE towards the four closest players.

  • If you do not have the AoE: Be one of the closest to the boss.
  • If have the AoE: Be one of the furthest to the boss.
Axe Kick Scythe Kick

5. As soon as the Axe/Scythe castbar finishes, immediately move to either dodge the first circles (if Axe Kick), or stay at the edge to drop your AoEs (if Scythe Kick).

(This step happens very quickly.)

6.Everyone comes in and stacks together in preparation for a knockback where the first circles were.

  • N to SW: MT, H1, D1, D3
  • S to NE: ST, H2, D2, D4

Star-shaped AoE telegraphs (Frigid Needle) appear where the AoEs were dropped earlier.

The Oracle's Reflection will also teleport to a random cardinal or intercardinal.

7. Knockback from the center into where the first circles were. The second circles will also resolve.

Wait here for the star AoEs to resolve.

8. Star AoEs resolve.

Identify whether the Oracle's Reflection is, as this determines how you will move in the next step:

Each group needs to move around the arena, dropping four puddles along the way such that they do not drop puddles directly behind, or opposite the boss.

Sunbound Holy - Always Away

The Oracle’s Reflection then casts Sunbound Holy, which targets each healer four times with a 4-man stack AoE that also leaves a puddle behind. Each party needs to drop these puddles and end up either directly behind the boss, or at least 135 degrees away from the boss.

First, let’s address the “cursed” pattern, which is where the boss teleports directly in front of either light party.

With the "cursed pattern", move as soon as the star AoEs go off. The aim is to not drop the first Akh Morn puddle directly behind the boss (marked in yellow).

After that, quickly run clockwise 180 degrees around the arena- you need to drop four puddles and still make it to the other side.

When the floor turns to ice, slide so you're in front of the Oracle of Light.

If we do not have a cursed scenario, then we follow the “always rotate away” rule. This is a consistent, 90 degree rotation that ideally goes slower rather than fast (i.e: under-rotating is fine, over-rotating is not).

If the boss is 90 degrees from a party, both parties rotate away from the boss and end up directly opposite.

If the boss is 45 degrees from a party, both parties rotate away from the boss and end up 135 degrees away from the boss.

The next movement will be slanted.

We need the two parties to be behind or at least 135 degrees away from the Oracle’s Reflection to prepare for the next mechanic.

9. The Oracle's Reflection and Usurper of Frost will switch forms:

  • The floor will turn to ice.
  • There will be a gaze attack- look away from the Usurper of Frost.

10. The Oracle's Reflection will now ready either Twin Silence or Twin Stillness.

  • Twin Silence ("Sink into Silence!"): Move in front of the Oracle's Reflection.
  • Twin Stillness ("In stillness freeze!"): Move behind the Oracle's Reflection.
Twin Silence Twin Stillness

11. The boss will quickly follow it up with the opposite attack, so slide in/out again as necessary.

The Usurper of Frost reappears back in the center of the arena and casts Hallowed Ray on the party (which is a heavy-hitting line stack) before starting the next set of mechanics.

Mirror, Mirror

The Usurper of Frost will be targetable during this mechanic.

Two red mirrors and one blue mirror appear at the edge on any of the eight cardinal/intercardinal positions.

  • Blue mirrors copy the Usurper of Frost’s attack, resolving at the same time.
  • Red mirrors copy the Usurper of Frost’s attack, but resolves later.

  • The two red mirrors always spawn 90 degrees from one another.

12. Find the blue mirror.

  • Tanks and Melee: Bring the boss directly opposite the blue mirror.
  • Healers and Ranged: Move to the blue mirror.

13. The Usurpur of Front will ready Scythe Kick, which also fires four cone AoEs at the four closest players.

This attack will be recorded by all the mirrors, and the blue mirror's copy will resolve together with the boss.

Spread out around the boss and the mirror to avoid both Scythe Kick and the cone AoEs.

  • Tanks and Melee: Spread out in front of the boss.
  • Healers and Ranged: Spread out beside the blue mirror, making sure not to hit the other group with your cone AoEs.

When spreading, put the tanks/healers at the sides, with the DPS in between.

  • Tanks/Melee: Split left/right boss-relative.
  • Healers/Ranged: Split left/right mirror-relative (facing in).

To avoid getting hit by the Scythe Kick, either be inside the boss's targeting circle or 2 pips away from the cardinal/ intercardinal marker.

14. Move the boss to the (nearest) red mirror. (If both red mirrors are equidistant, rotate clockwise.)

The healers and ranged will go to the other red mirror.

Spread out beside the red mirrors, making sure not to hit the other group with the cone AoEs.

15. The boss will then cast Banish III. This will either be a party spread, or pair stacks depending on the number of orbs above the boss's head.

The healers will move towards the center of the arena, while the tanks stay at the edge.

The DPS adjust to the tanks and healers, depending on the number of orbs above the boss.

  • One floating orb: Pair stacks (MTD1, STD2, H1D3, H2D4).
  • Four floating orbs: Party spread.
One orb (T/H + D pairs) Four orbs (spread)

After this, the boss will teleport to the middle and begin another signature mechanic.

Light Rampant

Two players at random will be selected to drop AoE puddles, while the other six will get tethered together (Chains of Everlasting Light).

  • After 10 seconds, the Chains of Everlasting Light debuff will turn into Curse of Everlasting Light. From this point on, the raid wipes if the tethers get too short.
  • Two connected players will also have a 16 second The Weight of Light debuff. When the timer expires, this explodes with a 4-man stack.

There will also be six stacks of Lightsteeped randomly distributed among the party.

There are several ways to resolve Light Rampant. Essentially, the party needs to decide two things:

  1. How to resolve tethers.
  2. How to drop puddles.

These are largely interchangeable with one another, so experiment to see what works for your group.

The more important decision is how to deal with the tethers. In order of my personal preference, they would be:

  1. 4:4 - East adjust
  2. MT-anchor ZizieZip
  3. 4:4 - CW adjust

We have decided to follow the 4:4 East adjust method to resolve the tethers, but are dropping puddles like ZizieZip’s strat (but mirrored).

[Click to Expand] Light Rampant debuffs

Chains of Everlasting Light

Bound with chains of everlasting light. Will be subject to a Curse of Everlasting Light when this effect expires.

Six players will get this debuff.

  • Each player will be tethered to two other players with this debuff.
  • This debuff lasts 10 seconds before turning into Curse of Everlasting Light.

Curse of Everlasting Light

Cursed by everlasting light. Close proximity to the player to whom you are bound will result in unaspected damage to those nearby.

  • Each player will be tethered to two other players with this debuff.
  • If a tether goes below a certain distance, or the player dies, the tether breaks and wipes the raid (Refulgent Fate).


Overflowing with astral energy. Upon accumulating 5 stacks, you will deal unaspected damage to those nearby.

  • There will be six stacks of Lightsteeped randomly distributed amongst the party at the start of Light Rampant. No player starts with more than two stacks.
  • Resolving certain mechanics will add a stack of Lightsteeped.
  • Wipes the raid at 5 stacks.

The Weight of Light

Will unleash Powerful Light when this effect expires.

  • Two players that are tethered together will get this debuff.
  • A bright orb appears above the two player's heads.
  • When the debuff expires (16s), it explodes with Powerful Light- a 4-man stack that adds one stack of Lightsteeped to those in the stack.
  • If there are less than four players in the stack, the players in the stack each get a stack of Mark of Mortality.

Option 1 - “Overcooked” Light Rampant (4:4 East adjust)

This is what my static is doing.

It is the same tether strategy as Lily Doll’s macro used in Mana, but we are dropping the puddles like ZizieZip (but mirrored)- I like having the puddles join the stack point from the front, rather than chase from behind.

16. Stand between the markers to make a ring around the boss with tanks and healers North, and DPS South.

17. Two players at random will be selected to drop AoE puddles.

There will also be six stacks of Lightsteeped randomly distributed among the party (although no player can start with more than two stacks).

The other six players will get tethered together. The tether will likely connect to the nearest player, making a connected ring if all goes well.

Six towers will also spawn around the arena.

18. The two puddle players move West and East of the center and prepare to drop five puddles, one after the other.

There isn't really a priority here to assign who starts where.

19. At the same time, we need to sort out the tethers.

Starting from H1 and going clockwise, count up the tethered players.

(It will be easier for the DPS to count anti-clockwise from D1 instead.)

20. We assign towers based on player positions in the ring:

  • 1st tether: North-West tower.
  • 2nd tether: South tower.
  • 3rd tether: North-East tower.
  • 4th tether: South-West tower.
  • 5th tether: North tower.
  • 6th tether: South-East tower.

It is good practice to take the tower at the edge of the arena, to avoid getting accidentally clipped by the two players dropping puddles in the center.

21. The two puddle players move anti-clockwise around the other player's puddle, spiraling out towards the edge of the arena.

They will drop five puddles in total before joining the other players NNE and SSW.

The tether players wait for their towers to resolve (Bright Hunger) before collapsing with their group.

22. Three white orbs will spawn in an equilateral triangle and telegraph an AoE, which you should avoid.

The timers on the two The Weight of Light debuffs will also expire, resulting in a 4-man stack (Powerful Light).

Wait when the stack resolves- the orb AoEs have not yet resolved.

23. The tethers will disappear.

Move into the first set of orb explosions as another three white orbs will spawn in the previously unoccupied spots and telegraph an AoE. Simply avoid these.

A 4-man tower will spawn in the center of the arena.

24. The second set of orbs explode.

Check how many stacks of Lightsteeped you have.

25. We now resolve the 4-man tower in the middle.

  • Players with 2 stacks of Lightsteeped at this point: Enter the tower.

Everybody else move to your standard clock positions around the tower.

26. The boss will then cast Banish III again. Just like before, this will either be a party spread, or pair stacks depending on the number of orbs above the boss's head.

  • One floating orb: Pair stacks (MTD3, STD2, H1D1, H2D4).
  • Four floating orbs: Party spread (stay in your clock positions).

(In this example, the boss is doing pair stacks.)

27. Finally, the boss becomes targetable again and starts casting The House of Light, which cleaves all players and gives a stack of Lightsteeped.

Spread out in your standard clock positions to resolve this.

The tower positions can be summarized as follows:

(Full-size image: English)

Option 2 - Light Rampant (MT-anchor ZizieZip)

This is a different method to assigning towers, which is equally viable. The party is more spaced out at the start, making it easier to identify the puddle players.

It’s a minor variation of ZizieZip’s original strat, except that instead of counting from the two players with The Weight of Light debuffs (as indicated by the glowing orbs on their head), you count your position from a fixed player (the MT) instead.

[Click to Expand] MT-anchor ZizieZip breakdown

16. Take up your clock positions.

17. Two players at random will be selected to drop AoE puddles.

There will also be six stacks of Lightsteeped randomly distributed among the party (although no player can start with more than two stacks).

The other six players will get tethered together. The tether will likely connect to the nearest player, making a connected ring if all goes well.

Six towers will also spawn around the arena.

18. The two puddle players position themselves a little West and East of the center and prepare to drop five puddles, one after the other.

19. At the same time, we need to sort out the tethers.

Starting from North (where the MT is) and going clockwise, count up the tethered players.

(It will be easier for H1, H2, D1, D3 to count anti-clockwise from D3 instead.)

We assign towers based on player positions in the ring:

  • 1st tether: North tower
  • 2nd tether: South tower
  • 3rd tether: North-West tower
  • 4th tether: North-East tower
  • 5th tether: South-West tower
  • 6th tether: South-East tower

(Think of this as a letter "I", followed by a "Z".)

20. When everyone's in position, it should look like this.

It is good practice to take the tower at the edge of the arena, to avoid getting accidentally clipped by the two players dropping puddles in the center.

21. The two puddle players will rotate clockwise, dropping five puddles in total before joining their group roughly NNW and SSE.

The tether players wait for their towers to resolve before collapsing with their group NNW and SSE.

Note that the SW and NE towers rotate clockwise, essentially flipping their North/South halves.

22. Three white orbs will spawn in an equilateral triangle and telegraph an AoE, which you should avoid.

The timers on the two The Weight of Light debuffs will also expire, resulting in a 4-man stack.

(You may need to resolve the stack inside the telegraph if needed.)

23. The tethers will disappear.

Move into the first set of explosions as another three white orbs will spawn in the previously unoccupied spots and telegraph an AoE. Simply avoid these.

A 4-man tower will spawn in the center of the arena.

24. The second set of orbs explode.

Check how many stacks of Lightsteeped you have.

25. We now resolve the 4-man tower in the middle.

  • Players with 2 stacks of Lightsteeped at this point: Enter the tower.

Everybody else move to your standard clock positions around the tower.

26. The boss will then cast Banish III again. Just like before, this will either be a party spread, or pair stacks depending on the number of orbs above the boss's head.

  • One floating orb: Pair stacks (MTD3, STD2, H1D1, H2D4).
  • Four floating orbs: Party spread (stay in your clock positions).

(In this example, the boss is doing pair stacks.)

27. Finally, the boss becomes targetable again and starts casting The House of Light, which cleaves all players and gives a stack of Lightsteeped.

Spread out in your standard clock positions to resolve this.

The tower positions can be summarized as follows: (Full-size image: [English])

Option 3 - Light Rampant (4:4 CW)

This is a slight modification of the strat outlined in the Google Docs, and is my least preferred solution by far- I cannot recommend this strat in good faith.

The only change is to the DPS lineup- we use D1 D2 D3 D4 here, instead of D3 D4 D1 D2.

[Click to Expand] 4:4 CW breakdown

16. Stand between the markers to make a ring around the boss with tanks and healers North, and DPS South.

17. Two players at random will be selected to drop AoE puddles.

There will also be six stacks of Lightsteeped randomly distributed among the party (although no player can start with more than two stacks).

The other six players will get tethered together. The tether will likely connect to the nearest player, making a connected ring if all goes well.

Six towers will also spawn around the arena.

18. The two puddle players move far West and East (between the towers) and prepare to drop five puddles, one after the other.

19. At the same time, we need to sort out the tethers. The objective is to have three tethered players in the North, and three tethered players in the South.

  • If one puddle appears North, and one puddle appears South, no adjustments need to be made.

If both puddles appear either North or South, we have an imbalance, and the tethered players need to adjust to make it a balanced 3-3.

We rotate the party clockwise to do so:

  • If no tank or healer has a puddle: ST rotates down.
  • If no DPS has a puddle: D1 rotates up.

(In this example, there are four tethered DPS (both puddles are on tanks/healers), so D1 rotates clockwise into the tank/healer row.)

20. Once we have a hexagon, we can assign towers to the tethered players.

On the North side (Note the East/West players swap sides):

  • North-West player: North-East tower.
  • North player: South tower.
  • North-East player: North-West tower.

And on the South side:

  • South-West player: South-West tower.
  • South player: North tower.
  • South-East player: South-East tower.

21. When everyone's in position, it should look like this.

It is good practice to take the tower at the edge of the arena, to avoid getting accidentally clipped by the two players dropping puddles in the center.

22. The two puddle players move straight into the center, before turning to their left, dropping five puddles in total before joining their group NNE and SSW.

Try to keep your puddles to the same East/West side to avoid blocking the path back to the center.

The tether players wait for their towers to resolve before collapsing with their group.

23. Three white orbs will spawn in an equilateral triangle and telegraph an AoE, which you should avoid.

The timers on the two The Weight of Light debuffs will also expire, resulting in a 4-man stack.

Wait when the stack resolves- the orb AoEs have not yet resolved.

24. The tethers will disappear.

Move into the first set of orb explosions as another three white orbs will spawn in the previously unoccupied spots and telegraph an AoE. Simply avoid these.

A 4-man tower will spawn in the center of the arena.

25. The second set of orbs explode.

Check how many stacks of Lightsteeped you have.

26. We now resolve the 4-man tower in the middle.

  • Players with 2 stacks of Lightsteeped at this point: Enter the tower.

Everybody else move to your standard clock positions around the tower.

27. The boss will then cast Banish III again. Just like before, this will either be a party spread, or pair stacks depending on the number of orbs above the boss's head.

  • One floating orb: Pair stacks (MTD3, STD2, H1D1, H2D4).
  • Four floating orbs: Party spread (stay in your clock positions).

(In this example, the boss is doing pair stacks.)

28. Finally, the boss becomes targetable again and starts casting The House of Light, which cleaves all players and gives a stack of Lightsteeped.

Spread out in your standard clock positions to resolve this.

A few seconds later, the boss will start to cast Absolute Zero. This will serve as the hard enrage, unless the boss is brought under 20.0% HP.

If the DPS check is met, Absolute Zero will be a raid-wide and a knockback instead, so stay near the middle.

Endless Ice Age

This is the mini “transition” phase.

Tip: You can choose to caster LB3 all the crystals instead to get past this phase and get some P3 practice in instead- if you do so, you will not be able to get past P4 (although you will have until then to stabilize this phase).

If you caster LB3, remember to attack the Crystals of Light while waiting for the LB3 to resolve- the LB3 alone will not destroy the Crystals of Light.

Once all the Crystals have been destroyed, the Ice Veil will lose its invulnerability and can be destroyed (without Gaia's help).

29. Pre-position for Absolute Zero's knockback.

Note the spread positions here are different.

30. Four Crystals of Light and four Crystals of Darkness appear as shown in the diagram.

The objective is to destroy the Ice Veil in the middle that's casting Endless Ice Age without destroying the four Crystals of Darkness.

However, while the Ice Veil is targetable, it is immune to damage while there is a Crystal of Light on the arena.

The healers/ranged DPS should help their tank/melee partner destroy the Crystal of Light in their sector first.

31. The tanks and melee DPS manage the Crystals of Light:

  • The Crystals of Light will periodically target the nearest player with a circle AoE.
  • They will later tether to the nearest player- that player will then drop puddle AoEs that stay around.

The healers and ranged DPS manage the Crystals of Darkness:

  • The Crystals of Darkness will periodically aim a cone AoE at the nearest player. If this AoE hits a Crystal of Light, the Crystal of Light gains a buff that reduces damage taken, so aim them away.
  • Help your tank/melee partner destroy their Crystal of Light.

To avoid hitting other players, have everyone bait their first set of AoEs skewed clockwise (to the left, facing in), and alterate between left and right.

32. Bait the second set of AoEs skewed anti-clockwise (to the right, facing in).

33. On the third set of telegraphed AoEs, the Crystals of Light will tether to the nearest player.

34. On the fourth set of telegraphed AoEs, the tethered players will start dropping puddles that stay on the arena.

Stepping into these puddles will inflict a lethal Bleed on you.

35. Bait these puddles around the Crystal.

Note that even after the Crystals of Light have been destroyed, the Crystals of Darkness are still on the arena, and the cone AoEs still need to be properly baited.

Once the four Crystals of Light have been destroyed (with all four Crystals of Darkness alive), Gaia will exclaim, “My power surges!” and the Ice Veil will lose its invulnerability.

If all the Crystals of Darkness are still alive, Gaia will gain enough power and deal 50.0% damage to the Ice Veil just before Endless Ice Age resolves. As a result, the damage check is to get the Ice Veil below 50.0% HP.

If all goes well, an ice necklace will briefly appear on the ground next to the Usurper of Frost, which will be quickly absorbed.

Stack south to prepare for the next phase- the Usurper of Frost will do one raid-wide (called Junction) and reveal herself to be Mitron before possessing Gaia and turning her into the Oracle of Darkness.

Frequently Asked Questions

[Light Rampant] What prevents both stacks from being on the same side?

The two stacks are always tethered together.

Because connected players alternate between North and South, this results in one stack North, and one stack South.

[Light Rampant (4:4 CW adjust)] Why do I dislike 4:4 CW adjust so much?

Compared to 4:4 East adjust, 4:4 CW adjust overcomplicates the mechanic:

  • It requires players look at more things than is necessary.
  • It makes 4-6 players adjust for something that can be resolved with just one player adjusting.

Consider D2's position in the example on the right.

With the 4:4 East adjust strat, the tower that D2 goes to is fully determined just by looking West along their row (i.e: D1). D2 sees there is no puddle on D1, therefore they are the second player in their row, and are therefore taking the North tower.

This is not true for 4:4 CW adjust, as both puddles could be on the tanks/healers, meaning D2 is now the first player in their row (after D1 rotates up), and they go to the South-West tower instead. As a result, each DPS needs to look at the entire DPS lineup instead of just looking to one side (and the same goes for the tanks/healers).

As a result, compared to 4:4 East adjust, 4:4 CW adjust needs more information, and adds an extra layer (rotating 4-6 players) onto something that can just be resolved by just having the East-most player adjust instead (only one player adjusts).

The fact that people were making macros containing lookup tables for 4:4 CW adjust just convinces me further that I simply cannot recommend 4:4 CW adjust as a strategy in good faith.

[Light Rampant (4:4 East adjust)] Where's the east adjust?

Counting clockwise from H1 (or anti-clockwise from D1) is the same thing as having the east-most player adjust to make the 3:3 hexagon.

2:4 (puddles on two tank/healers) - East-most DPS (D4) adjusts.
4:2 (puddles on two DPS) - East-most tank/healer (ST) adjusts.
[Light Rampant (4:4 East adjust)] Why do we flip the DPS instead of the tanks/healers?

Believe it or not, this isn't done just to be different from the 4:4 CW adjust strat. There are a couple practical reasons why.

  • Flipping the DPS gives the healers the closer tower (North-West), so they have slightly more time to squeeze in any last-minute healing.
  • Flipping the DPS also makes the tower diagram nicer, as counting clockwise "reverses" the DPS as you would count them from their right-to-left. The diagram on the right illustrates the tower numbers if you flipped the tanks/healers instead.
[Light Rampant (4:4 East adjust)] Is there a reason the puddles turn left instead of right?

This is done to accommodate D4, in particular, PCT.

The PCT's possible towers with the 4:4 East adjust strat place them either NE or SW.

Having the puddles turn left means that the Weight of Light stacks are also NE or SW, keeping them close to the PCT's towers thus allowing them to paint their motifs to prepare for when the boss is targetable again.

[Crystals] What happens if you destroy all the Dark Crystals?

Nothing immediate happens, and you can still progress through the fight.

However, the Fragment of Fate in P4 will have its memory changed as a result.

As a result, you can still progress through to the end of P4, but you will get the "bad ending" where Eden's Promise spawns and wipes the raid.

Additionally, if a Dark Crystal is destroyed, the Ice Veil becomes invulnerable until all the Dark Crystals are destroyed, leading either to an enrage, or the bad ending.

[Crystals] What leads to "the eternal ice shatters and disappears?"

In order for the ice necklace to not shatter, Gaia must complete her jump attack.

For her to do so, all four Crystals of Darkness must stay alive, and the Ice Veil must also live long enough.

As such, the failure cases are either:

  • Destroying at least one Crystal of Darkness (Gaia will have insufficient power to execute the attack).
  • Destroying the Ice Veil before Gaia's jump attack resolves (Gaia's attack has no target).


[General] We can't meet the DPS check during the Crystals phase!

The crystals phase can be made significantly easier if you hold damage, and kill Fatebreaker towards the end of his enrage cast.

This will synchronise your 2-minute burst with the start of the crystals phase, which should get you past the DPS check.

(You should also use your second pots as soon as you can in the crystals phase for them to be back up in P4.)

[Diamond Dust] Any tips for aiming my slide on a controller during Twin Silence/Stillness?

For context, this is a problem specific to playing on a controller.

Keyboards don't have this problem because pressing "W" moves your character perfectly forward. On a controller, pushing the analogue stick forward will not be perfect, so that slight deviation may be enough to get you killed.

Something that might help would be to set up a macro like so:

/automove on
/automove off

This will make your character take one tiny step directly forward where your camera is facing.

[Light Rampant] What is Inescapable Illumination?

Inescapable Illumination is the raid-wide (and damage down) as a penalty for not taking a tower.

[Light Rampant] How do you prevent the tethers from getting tangled?

Unfortunately, having tangled tethers is uncommon (less than 2/21 chance), and there is no way to guarantee that you will never encounter tangled tethers due to the way Light Rampant issues the debuffs.

  1. First, pick two random players to get puddles.
  2. Then, pick a random player to start the tether chain.
  3. Connect that player to the closest player without either a puddle or a tether.
  4. Repeat the previous step six times from the last connected player.
    • If there are fewer than six non-puddle players available, pick a puddle player last.
    • If there are fewer than six players available, wipe the raid.

Because of this, it is possible to get tangled patterns if:

  • The two puddle players are next to each other.
  • The tether starts two players away from a puddle.
  • The tether first connects towards a puddle.

In the example on the right:

  1. Both MT and ST are selected for puddles.
  2. H1 is randomly picked as the starting tether player.
  3. H1 tethers to the closest available player, which is H2 (moving towards the puddles).
  4. H2 then tethers to the closest available player, which is D1 (not D4), and now you have a tangled tether.

If the tethers are tangled, then the tethers will criss-cross. Swap the two players around (H1 and H2 in this example) to untangle the tethers.

[Crystals] What does it mean when Gaia says "Is my Darkness not enough!?"

Destroying all the Crystals of Light will make the Ice Veil vulnerable, and Gaia will exclaim "My power surges!" and try to do her attack.

However, Gaia will only succeed if all the Crystals of Darkness are still alive.

If any Crystals of Darkness have been destroyed, Gaia's attack will fail, and she will question "Is my Darkness not enough!?", indicating something has gone wrong.


  • v3.3 (9 Jan 2025): Updated the 4:4 East-adjust Light Rampant strat puddles to turn left instead of right.
  • v3.2 (20 Dec 2024): Updated the 4:4 East-adjust Light Rampant strat to resemble Lily Doll (except for the puddles).
  • v3.1 (17 Dec 2024): Updated the 4:4 CW Light Rampant strat tank/healer positions to match the Google Doc.
  • v3.0 (10 Dec 2024): Modified Light Rampant 4:4:
    • Switched from a "MT/D1 anchor" strat to the "rotate CW" strat.
    • Switched the lineup order from the Google Doc (H1H2MTST and D3D4D1D2) to better suit convention (H2H1STMT and D1D2D3D4).
    • Removed Sunbound Holy "CW priority" strat.
    • Updated tank/melee positions for the first Scythe Kick during Mirror, Mirror.
  • v2.0 (3 Dec 2024): Archived Lucrezia's version (v1.0), and updated to the Google Doc:
    • Updated Diamond Dust spreads to the colour-coded strategy, with Protean baits in the first Shiva circles.
    • Updated Light Rampant 4:4 where tanks/healers swap sides instead of DPS. Tower assignments also count from MT/D1 instead of forcing a CCW rotation.
    • Flipped healer/ranged positions at mirrors during Mirror, Mirror (H1D3 on the left, facing into the arena.)
    • Added ZizieZip's Light Rampant strategy as an option.

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