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Omega Reconfigured

This phase can be broken down into three sections:


This is the only phase in the fight with a transition mechanic.

[Click to Expand] Transition debuffs

Sniper Cannon Fodder

Four players will be targeted with this debuff.

  • When the timer expires, a point-blank Sniper Cannon AoE centered on the player resolves.
  • If the player dies before the timer expires, the Sniper Cannon AoE immediately resolves on a random player.

High-powered Sniper Cannon Fodder

Two players will be targeted with this debuff (which leaves two players without any debuffs).

  • When the timer expires, or the player dies, a point-blank High-powered Sniper Cannon two-man stack AoE centered on the player resolves.
    • Each player with a High-powered Sniper Cannon Fodder debuff will pair together with a player that does not have any debuff to share this AoE.
  • Each player hit by the stack will also get a Magic Vulnerability Up debuff (so you cannot overlap stacks).

1. Line up horizontally.

All players will need shields to survive the transition.

2. Debuffs appear.

  • High-powered Sniper Cannon Fodders: Pair up with a player with no debuffs north.
  • Sniper Cannon Fodders: Spread out along the southern half.
  • No debuffs: Pair up with a High-powered Sniper Cannon Fodder player north.

3. First pulse of an expanding Wave Repeater AoE goes off.

Three arms will appear around the arena, 120 degrees from one another.

Note where these first set of arms are.

4. Second pulse goes off.

The second set of arms will appear around the arena.

5. Third pulse goes off.

Note: The Wave Repeater AoE boundaries do not follow the rings on the floor.

6. Fourth pulse goes off.

At this point, all players should be in position for the second wave of mechanics.

7. First pulse of the second wave goes off.

8. Second pulse of the second wave goes off.

The first set of arms will telegraph an AoE around them.

9. Third pulse of the second wave goes off.

The first set of arms explode, while the second set of arms telegraph their explosion.

Move into the intersection of the expanding pulse and the first set of AoE so you do not get hit by the second set of arms.

10. Player debuffs resolve along with the second set of arm's AoE.

Hello, World

Omega begins the phase with its signature Hello, World mechanic, which does raid-wide damage, and applies a lot of debuffs on all players.

[Click to Expand] Hello, World debuffs

Latent Synchronization Bug

  • This is a 70s debuff that will kill the player if left to timeout.
  • This is cleansed by taking damage from a Critical Synchronization Bug.

Local Code Smell

  • As the timer approaches zero, emphemeral red+green tethers will connect the two players.
  • When the timer expires, the tethers activate and turn into Local Regression.

Local Regression

  • When the two players move near one another, the tether "breaks", dealing magical damage to the party, applying a stack of Magic Vulnerability Up, and a stack of Thrice-come Ruin that only lasts for a second.
  • If the tether is not broken this way before the timer expires, it breaks and wipes the raid.

Remote Code Smell

  • As the timer approaches zero, emphemeral blue tethers will connect the two players.
  • When the timer expires, the tethers activate and turn into Remote Regression.

Remote Regression

  • When the two players move away from one another, the tether "breaks", dealing magical damage to the party, applying a stack of Magic Vulnerability Up, and a stack of Thrice-come Ruin that only lasts for a second.
  • If the tether is not broken this way before the timer expires, it breaks and wipes the raid.

Cascading Latent Defect

  • Standing inside a red tower when the tower resolves will apply this debuff.
  • This debuff will wipe the raid when the timer expires.
  • It is cleansed when that player's Critical Underflow Bug expires and the player is alive.

    • As a result, players must have the Critical Underflow Bug (red Nisi) before taking a red tower.

Latent Performance Defect

  • Standing inside a blue tower when the tower resolves will apply this debuff.
  • This debuff will wipe the raid when the timer expires.
  • It is cleansed when that player's Critical Performance Bug expires and the player is alive.

    • As a result, players must have the Critical Performance Bug (blue Nisi) before taking a blue tower.

Overflow Code Smell

  • This is a 3 second debuff that acts as a grace period.
  • When the debuff expires, it turns into a Critical Overflow Bug.

Critical Overflow Bug

  • This debuff is often nicknamed "Defamation".
  • When the timer expires, a giant AoE (roughly the same size as the arena) centered on the player goes off.
  • Any players hit by this AoE get a fresh Critical Overflow Bug.
  • When the debuff expires, it turns into an Overflow Debugger buff.

Overflow Debugger

  • The next time the player would receive a Critical Overflow Bug, the Overflow Debugger buff is consumed and blocks the player from getting the Critical Overflow Bug.

This last detail is important, because Omega will cast Critical Error at the end of all four iterations, which will apply a Critical Overflow Bug on the entire party (which will then be blocked by everybody's Critical Overflow Debuggers).

Synchronization Code Smell

  • This is a 3 second debuff that acts as a grace period.
  • When the debuff expires, it turns into a Critical Synchronization Bug.

Critical Synchronization Bug

  • When the timer expires, an AoE (roughly the same size as a tower) centered on the player goes off that is divided between all players hit.
  • This AoE should be shared with one other player.
  • Any players hit by this AoE get a fresh Critical Synchronization Bug.
  • When the debuff expires, it turns into an Synchronization Debugger buff.

Synchronization Debugger

  • This buff prevents players from getting a Critical Synchronization Bug.

Underflow Code Smell

  • This is a 3 second debuff that acts as a grace period.
  • When the debuff expires, it turns into a Critical Underflow Bug.

Critical Underflow Bug

  • This is often nicknamed as the "red Nisi".
  • This debuff lasts 27 seconds.
  • While the debuff is active, it can be passed to other players by touching them.
    • This will overwrite a Critical Performance Bug (the blue Nisi), unless the receiving player has the Underflow Debugger buff.
  • When the timer expires:
    • An AoE (roughly the same size as a tower) centered on the player goes off and will kill any other player hit.
    • It removes the Cascading Latent Defect debuff gained as a result of taking a red tower if the player is alive.
    • The player gains an Underflow Debugger buff.

Underflow Debugger

  • This buff prevents players from getting a Critical Underflow Bug.

Performance Code Smell

  • This is a 3 second debuff that acts as a grace period.
  • When the debuff expires, it turns into a Critical Performance Bug.

Critical Performance Bug

  • This is often nicknamed as the "blue Nisi".
  • This debuff lasts 27 seconds.
  • While the debuff is active, it can be passed to other players by touching them.
    • This will overwrite a Critical Underflow Bug (the red Nisi), unless the receiving player has the Performance Debugger buff.
  • When the timer expires:
    • An AoE (roughly the same size as a tower) centered on the player goes off and will kill any other player hit.
    • It removes the Latent Performance Defect debuff gained as a result of taking a blue tower if the player is alive.
    • The player gains an Performance Debugger buff.

Performance Debugger

  • This buff prevents players from getting a Critical Performance Bug.

Although Hello, World may look overwhelming, only two things are relevant:

  1. What colour “Nisi” (Critical Performance and Critical Underflow) is paired with Critical Overflow and Critical Synchronization. This is determined when the debuffs appear, and will be fixed for the entire phase.
  2. What debuff you currently have in the cycle (the Local/Remote Regression tethers, or the Critical Overflow/Synchronization “Nisis”).

These two rules then determine where everyone goes each loop:

  • Critical Overflow/Synchronization (the “Nisis”)
    • Players with Critical Overflow (the “Defamations”) always take their coloured tower, standing towards the outside.
    • Players with Critical Synchronization always take their coloured tower, standing towards the inside.
  • Local/Remote Regression (the tethers)
    • Players with the red/green tethers always stretch their tether, and stand beside the players with Critical Overflow (the “Defamations”)
    • Players with the blue tethers always stand in between the players with Critical Synchronization.

This then puts the party into one of the two formations below, depending on whether Critical Overflow is paired with Critical Performance or Critical Underflow.

"Blue is Defamation"

Critical Overflow has Critical Performance

"Red is Defamation"

Critical Overflow has Critical Underflow

When the Critical Overflow/Synchronization Bugs resolve, everyone in the party takes damage, and we pass the Critical Performance/Underflow (“Nisis”) debuffs by having the tether players move to the players with Critical Performance/Underflow.

The tethers will also become real, which we then resolve one by one:

  1. First, break the blue tethers by having those players move away from each other (this will naturally break when picking up Critical Performance/Underflow).
  2. Then, break the red/green tethers by having those player move towards each other.

Thus, the full Hello, World sequence goes like this:

  1. Orientate to coloured towers.
  2. Pair players together:
    • Critical Overflows pair with Local Regression (red/green tethers).
    • Critical Synchronizations pair with Remote Regression (blue tethers).
  3. Critical Overflows and Critical Synchronizations resolve.
  4. Pass Critical Underflow (red Nisi) and Critical Performance (blue Nisi) within the next 3 seconds.
  5. Break Remote Regression (blue tethers).
  6. Break Local Regression (red/green tethers).
  7. Repeat the loop with the next mechanic in the cycle.

Once all steps have been completed, the party will find itself with different debuffs to resolve, and the sequence repeats.

This loop is repeated four times (all players will have their go at each debuff). However, the final iteration has one small difference where the Local Regression players stand with the Critical Synchronization Bugs instead.


One last thing to touch on will be party mitigation.

Each loop, the party will take raid-wide damage from the Critical Overflow/Synchronization debuffs resolving, and the two tethers breaking.

The party needs three pieces of mitigation (shields count) to survive all the damage from each loop without any healing in between.

As a baseline, I recommend the following mitigation:

[Click to Expand] Mitigation Notation
Party mitigations
MT 90s, ST 90s Shake It Off, Dark Missionary, Heart of Light, Divine Veil
H1 120s Temperance, Neutral Sect
H2 30s Sacred Soil, Kerachole
H2 90s Deployment Tactics, Zoe
H2 120s Expedient, Holos
D1, D2 Feint
D3 Troubadour, Tactician, Shield Samba
D4 Addle
Hello, World
  • MT Reprisal, D1, D4
First loop
  • MT 90s, ST Reprisal
Second loop
  • H1 120s, H2 120s
Third loop
  • MT Reprisal, ST 90s
Fourth loop
  • ST Reprisal, D3
Critical Error
  • D1, D4

Each of these will need the party topped to full, and something else from the healers, whether it be Succor/Eukrasian Prognosis, Sacred Soil/Kerachole, Liturgy of the Bell/Macrocosmos, etc.

Omega will also auto-attack the tanks in between loops, which should be mitigated to alleviate strain on the healers. Consider tank-swapping around the third set of towers to cycle through both tank’s cooldowns.

We can now (finally) go over Hello, World in detail.


1. Spread out while Omega casts Hello, World, giving players their debuffs.

  • Check which coloured-debuffs go with Critical Overflow Bug and/or Critical Synchronization Bug.

In this example:

  • Critical Overflows start with Critical Performance (blue Nisis), so will go to blue towers.

    • Local Regressions (red/green tethers) follow Critical Overflows to the same colour (blue towers).
  • Critical Synchronization start with Critical Underflow (red Nisis), so will go with red towers.

    • Remote Regressions (blue tethers) follow Critical Synchronizations to the same colour (red towers).

2. Preposition to prepare for the first set of towers.

  • Tethers: Move inside Omega's hitbox.
  • Critical Underflow/Performance: Move around the outside of Omega's hitbox. Find your partner and stand beside them.

3. When the towers appear, the players with Critical Overflow and Critical Performance (the Nisis) move around the outside to get to their towers.

The players with the tethers stay inside the Omega's target circle, and orient themselves to prepare to move.

The tether players wait for the the Nisis to be in position before moving out.

First, second, third iterations

For brevity’s sake, we will only display the relevant debuffs, and just the first iteration.

The second and third iterations are simply a repeat (with everyone resolving different debuffs each time).

4. Pair up and move to your towers.

  • Critical Overflow and red/green tethered players pair up and move to their towers (blue in this example).
  • Critical Synchronization and blue tethered players pair up and move to their towers (red in this example)

Note the following:

  • The red/green tethered players are on the outside of their coloured towers
  • The blue tethered players are between their coloured towers.
  • The Critical Overflow players are just outside the "white" center of their towers.

5. The first set of tethers manifest.

Towers, Critical Overflow Bugs , and Critical Synchronization Bugs resolve.

  • Critical Overflow Bugs transfer to the red/green tethered players.
  • Critical Synchronisations transfer to the blue tethered players.

6. Wait a split second before passing Critical Underflow and Critical Performance Bugs .

The players who were at the Critical Overflow towers (blue in this example) pass their coloured debuffs at the markers.

Blue-tethered players also break their tether in the process.

7. Red/green tethered players move together to break their tether.

Avoid the explosions from Critical Underflow and Critical Performance .

All players rotate their roles for the next iteration, and repeat the loop.

Fourth (final) iteration

There are two key differences for the final iteration:

  1. Players with Local Regression will join the Critical Synchronizations instead of getting hit by Critical Overflow and will break first.
  2. Players will not pass Critical Underflow and Critical Performance .

Also, because all players have gone through all other roles, they have the Debugger buffs that prevent them from receiving Critical Underflow Bug and Critical Performance Bug again (the Nisis).

Thus, this final set of towers is free movement, as the Nisis will not be passed, even if players bump into one another.

8. Pair up and move to your towers.

  • Red/green tethered players will be with Critical Synchronization this time.
  • Critical Synchronization , blue tethered players, and red/green tethered players group up and move to their towers.

9. The last set of tethers manifest.

Latent Defect, Towers, Critical Overflow Bugs , and Critical Synchronization Bugs resolve.

This should immediately break the red/green tethers- break them if they have not.

10. Do not pass Critical Underflow and Critical Performance Bugs .

Blue-tethered players break their tether.

11. Avoid the explosions from Critical Underflow and Critical Performance .

12. All players have resolved their debuffs, and there are no more bugs remaining.

Omega will cast Critical Error, which deals heavy raid-wide damage, and applies a fresh Critical Overflow Bug on all players, which will get blocked by everybody's Overflow Debugger buff.

Oversampled Wave Cannon

Omega will teleport to the middle and face north.

Monitors will appear on Omega’s, and on three random player’s left-hand or right-hand side. For each of the four monitors (Omega and the three players), two random players on the monitor’s side will be hit with an AoE.

The party needs to arrange themselves such that all monitors hit exactly two players each.

[Click to Expand] Oversampled Wave Cannon Loading

Preparing oversampled wave cannon, which will fire in the direction of designated player when this effect expires.

Monitors will appear on the player's left-hand or right-hand side (never the front or back). When the mechanic resolves, two random players on the side with the monitors will be hit with an AoE.

If there are fewer than two players, then a random player (from anywhere) is selected for each player missing instead.

PF currently resolves this using Astoh’s strat (アスト式), but with a different lineup order.

1. Line up, north-to-south:

  • North: H1 H2 MT ST D1 D2 D3 D4 :South

2. Omega will ready Oversampled Wave Cannon (monitors), facing directly east or west.

Three random players will also get their own set of monitors.

Resolve them as follows, with all three monitor players on the other side of Omega's monitors.

The player positions are not particularly strict, so long as:

  • Players are sufficiently spread so they do not clip one another.
  • Each monitor hits the correct two players. Note that each player monitor should be able to see the two other players they need to hit.
Omega's monitors face west Omega's monitors face east

A common error is accidentally clipping the non-monitor 3 player. To help prevent this:

  • The monitor 2 and 3 players are angled slightly (instead of being horizontal).
  • The non-monitor player marked 2 should be slightly off the center.
  • The closer the non-monitor player marked 3 can be to the center, the lesser the chance they get accidentally clipped.

Note that it is far easier for non-monitor players to adjust to the monitor players as needed.

After the Oversampled Wave Cannons resolve, Omega will then cast Ion Efflux as the hard enrage for this phase.

Frequently Asked Questions

[Local Regression] Why do the Local Regression players not stand with the Critical Overflows in the final iteration?

Omega casts Critical Error at the end of Hello, World.

Critical Error isn't just raidwide damage- Critical Error also gives all players a new Critical Overflow Bug.

However, because all players have the Critical Overflow Debugger buff from resolving Critical Overflow earlier, this additional Critical Overflow Bug will be blocked.

The Local Regression players at the fourth set of towers are the players that originally started with Critical Overflow Bug with the first tower, so they already have the Critical Overflow Debugger buff from then.

If they stayed with the Critical Overflow Bug players in the final iteration, their Critical Overflow Debugger buffs would get consumed at the fourth towers, and as a result, they won't have the Critical Overflow Debugger buff when Omega casts Critical Error, and will get another round of Critical Overflow Bugs.

These Critical Overflow Bugs will resolve together with Oversampled Wave Cannon, making Oversampled Wave Cannon impossible to resolve.

[Oversampled Wave Cannon] Why are the healers north-most? Doesn't putting healers south-most guarantee the southern spot goes to a ranged?

Putting all four ranged players south guarantees that the southern player is a ranged, thus providing full melee uptime even in the scenario where all three monitor players are ranged, but the chances of this happening are 1/14.

Putting healers at the north side means that both extremeties will have ranged players in the average case, which allows them to go all the way to the edge of the arena to give the other players more room for error, the north-most monitor player in particular.

That being said, doing so means that a melee may have to disconnect from the boss in the worst case scenario, but this is an acceptable scenario given its likelihood.

[Oversampled Wave Cannon] Are two of the monitor players supposed to be angled slightly up and down as shown in the diagram?

Astoh's original diagram had those players look exactly East/West horizontally, and that's still fine and a workable strat.

However, the problem with going horizontally is that if you're off by a little bit, there's a chance you accidentally clip the player on the far East/West (marked "3"). It doesn't help that Omega in the center is blocking your view of that player.

One of the advantages of Astoh's strat is that each monitor player can clearly see the two other players they are supposed to hit with their monitors (without Omega in the way). Tilting up/down a little gives you additional margin of error to not hit the player at "3"- you can tilt as much as you want, so long as you still hit the two people you're supposed to (who aren't blocked by Omega).


[Cascading Latent Defect/Latent Performance Defect] Why did we wipe to this even though we took the towers correctly?

This is the result of Cascading Latent Defect or Latent Performance Defect expiring without getting cleansed.

This means that either:

  • A red/blue tower was taken without the same-coloured Nisi or
  • The Nisi was taken too late in the previous round.

Taking the towers gives players a 10-second Cascading Latent Defect or Latent Performance Defect debuffs, which need to be cleaned by the appropriate Bug (the Nisis) debuffs by having them expire before the Defects.

The timeline for each loop looks like this:

  • T+0s: Towers resolve.
  • T+21s: Next towers resolve and apply Defects.
  • T+31s: Defects resolve, wiping the raid.

Since the Nisi debuffs last 27 seconds and must expire before the Defects do, this means you have a 3-4 second window after towers resolve to pass Nisis (Note: not necessarily break tethers!) for the Nisis to expire in time to cleanse the next tower's Defects.

If you miss this window, your Nisi will not expire in time to cleanse the Defects before they explode and wipe the raid.

[Oversampled Wave Cannon] A Critical Overflow AoE went off during monitors! What happened?

Critical Error has an additional effect besides just raid-wide damage- it gives all party members a Critical Overflow Bug debuff.

However, in normal cases, all party members would have the Overflow Debugger buff on them from resolving Critical Error previously. This buff is lost if the player dies.

Thus, if a player that has already resolved their Critical Overflow Bug dies and is raised, Critical Error will give them a fresh copy of Critical Overflow Bug, which just so happens to resolve in 21 seconds, which is also when Oversampled Wave Cannon resolves.

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