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Appendix A: Mitigation

The following is a mitigation framework for the encounter.

It is not a plan for every single cooldown available to the party; instead, think of the following as a bare-bones framework to work with- i.e: these are the things that people will generally look for when mitigation is missing.

[Click to Expand] Mitigation Notation
Tank 30% Vengeance, Sentinel, Shadow Wall, Nebula
Tank 3rd Thrill of Battle, Bulwark, Oblation, Camouflage
Tank 90s Shake It Off, Dark Missionary, Heart of Light, Divine Veil
H1 120s Temperance, Neutral Sect
H1 180s Liturgy of the Bell, Macrocosmos
H2 30s Sacred Soil, Kerachole
H2 90s Deployment Tactics, Zoe
H2 120s Expedient, Holos

Anything that cannot be reliably present in a party.

  • Passage of Arms, Fey Illumination, Collective Unconsciousness, Consolation, Panhaima, Dismantle, Improvisation, Magick Barrier

Mitigation by Phase

The raw damage values have also been provided, separated into damage dealt to:
  • Tanks (MT, ST)
  • Physical DPS (D1, D2, D3)
  • Magic (H1, H2, D4)

Physical DPS jobs have higher max HP, but lower magic defense compared to casters.

  • Tanks have 93k max HP.
  • Physical DPS jobs have 64k max HP.
  • Magical jobs have 58k max HP.
  • Basic shields (Succor, Eukrasian Prognosis) absorb 7k damage.

P2. Thordan

Notably, the mitigations below have been planned without taking the healer 120s into consideration, so they can be used wherever needed for comfort.

3x Ascalon's Might

  • T: 3x 71k-85k
  • MT short
  • ST Reprisal, D1
  • A WAR can Holmgang this instead.

Strength of the Ward

    • MT + ST: 30% + short
    • D3

    Ancient Quaga

    • P: 78k-90k
    • M: 73k-82k
    • MT Reprisal, ST 90s, H2 30s, D4
    • This is the latest the tanks can use their 90s and have them back by Ultimate End and Final Chorus.

    Heavenly Heel → Ascalon's Might x3

    • T: 165k-175k
    • T: 3x 71k-85k
    • MT + ST: Rampart + 3rd
    • ST Reprisal, D2
    • Tank swap MT→ST.
    • MT's short mitigation may not be available for Heavenly Heel, but the ST's short will be back for Ascalon's Might.

    Sanctity of the Ward

    • P: 85k-104k
    • M: 85k-104k
    • H2 90s
    • This is the latest healers can use their 120s to have it back for an Eye of the Tyrant stack in P3.
    • Use H2 90s before the third cleave of Ascalon's Might to guarantee it will be back for Final Chorus.
    • This is a common place for a SGE to Panhaima. SGE can also use Kerachole here.

    Ultimate End

    • P: 73k-103k
    • M: 68k-97k
    • MT Reprisal, MT 90s, H2 30s, D1, D4

    P3. Nidhogg

    Final Chorus

    • P: 94k-104k
    • M: 88k-97k
    • ST 90s, H2 30s, H2 90s, D3
    • This needs one more extra mit (Collective Unconsciousness, Passage of Arms, Magick Barrier, Improvised Finish, etc.) to guarantee survival with a SGE.

      Abilities that boost healing (Physis II, Asylum, Nature's Minne, Mantra) also help here.

    Eye of the Tyrant #1

    • P: 66k-84k
    • M: 61k-74k
    • ST Reprisal, H2 30s or H2 120s
    • A SCH can use Seraph to help cover both Eye of the Tyrant stacks.

    Eye of the Tyrant #2

    • P: 66k-84k
    • M: 61k-74k
    • MT Reprisal, D2, H2 30s or H2 120s
    • D2 adds Feint to the second Eye of the Tyrant instead of the first because two players would take damage from the towers.

    Soul Tethers

    • T: 226k-262k
    • MT + ST: Invuln

    P4. Eyes + Saving Haurchefant


    • P: 29k-41k
    • M: 27k-37k
    • MT 90s, D3
    • This is to help with healing since there isn't a good spot elsewhere.

    Steep in Rage

    • P: 55k-66k
    • M: 53k-61k
    • MT Reprisal

    Brightwing #1

    • P: 49k-65k
    • M: 49k-63k
    • Covered by the Tank LB3.
    • H2 90s will be up for Wrath of the Heavens if used immediately after getting pulled in.

    Brightwing #2

    • P: 49k-65k
    • M: 49k-63k
    • MT short → D1
    • ST short → D2
    • ST Reprisal, H1 120s, H2 120s, D3

    Brightwing #3

    • P: 49k-65k
    • M: 49k-63k
    • Covered by ST Reprisal, H1 120s, H2 120s, D3

    Brightwing #4

    • P: 49k-65k
    • M: 49k-63k
    • MT Reprisal, D4
    • Covered by H1 120s, H2 120s, D3

    Pure of Heart

    • P: 61k-76k
    • M: 53k-64k
    • Covered by MT Reprisal, H1 120s, H2 120s, D4

    P5. Alternate Timeline Thordan

    It may look odd that tanks aren’t using their 30% mitigations here. That is because we want to guarantee their 30% mitigations are available for P6’s Wyrmsbreaths, which hit harder, and have greater consequences of a tank death.

    Because P5 is so short, 30% mitigations used at the first Heavenly Heel → Ascalon’s Might sequence may not be back up in time for Wyrmsbreath #1 if the killtime is fast.

    This means that tanks will be taking the Heavenly Heel → Ascalon’s Might sequences with their weaker mitigations. In particular, they will need support for the second Heavenly Heel, hence why D3’s party mitigation is used at Heavenly Heel #2 instead of Ancient Quaga #2.

    Wrath of the Heavens

    • H2 90s
    • Strong shields are useful here because the party will be spread out.

    Ancient Quaga #1

    • P: 85k-97k
    • M: 75k-93k
    • MT Reprisal, MT 90s, H2 30s, D1, D3
    • Notably, Addle is overkill here, and is better served at the second Ancient Quaga.

    Heavenly Heel → 3x Ascalon's Might #1

    • T: 242k-307k
    • T: 3x 84k-90k
    • MT + ST: Rampart + short
    • ST Reprisal, D2
  • A WAR should Holmgang instead.
  • Tank swap if not taken by Holmgang.
  • Death of the Heavens

    • H1 120s, H2 120s
    • The damage from Death of the Heavens isn't lethal, but it's good to mitigate the damage to let the healers focus on the mechanic. There also isn't any other good spot to use the healer 120s mitigations.

    Ancient Quaga #2

    • P: 85k-97k
    • M: 75k-93k
    • MT Reprisal, ST 90s, H2 30s, D4
    • Although D3 can use their mitigation early to cover both Ancient Quaga, we don't need it here, and it's more valuable at Heavenly Heel #2 to help the tanks, as they will be using their weakest mitigations there.

    Heavenly Heel → 3x Ascalon's Might #2

    • T: 175k-196k
    • T: 3x 84k-90k
    • 3rd + short
    • ST Reprisal, D1, D3
    • Tank swap.
    • Healers should help the tanks, as they cannot use their stronger mitigations here.
    • A DRK can Rampart if it's available, as they can use Dark Mind in P6.

    P6. Double Dragons

    Notably, DRK is very strong in this phase because Dark Mind will be available for both Hallowed Wings.

    However, be careful if your party has DRK + SGE + SCH, as the healers will have trouble topping up the DRK if Living Dead was used at Cauterize.

    Wyrmsbreath #1

    • T: 111k-144k
    • 30% + short
    • If only one mouth is glowing, the tank whose dragon's mouth glows can give their short mit to the other tank.

    Akh Afah #1

    • P: 69k-76k
    • M: 65k-71k
    • MT Reprisal, H2 30s
    • The MT needs to stand in the middle of the arena to hit both dragons with Reprisal before joining their Akh Afah stack.

    Hallowed Wings #1

    • T: 121k-135k
    • MT + ST: Rampart + short
    • ST Reprisal
    • A DRK can add Dark Mind, or use it instead of Rampart.
    • The ST may not be able to Reprisal this in the event of tank downtime.

    Wroth Flames

    • P: 4x 56k-62k
    • M: 4x 53k-60k
    • MT 90s, ST 90s, H1 120s, H2 120s, D3, D4
    • Add H2 30s if able- the latest H2 30s can be used and still be back for Akh Afah #2 is when the 2nd set of orbs spawn.
    • WHM will typically use Liturgy of the Bell here.
    • SGE will typically use Panhaima here.

    Akh Afah #2

    • P: 69k-76k
    • M: 65k-71k
    • MT Reprisal, H2 30s
    • The MT needs to stand in the middle of the arena to hit both dragons with Reprisal before joining their Akh Afah stack.

    Hallowed Wings #2

    • T: 121k-135k
    • MT + ST: 3rd + short
    • ST Reprisal
    • A DRK can add Dark Mind.
    • This set of Hallowed Wings hurt more because Rampart is not used. Furthermore, the MT will end up on the opposite side of the party (out of healing range). Additional mitigation helps.

    Wyrmsbreath #2

    • T: 111k-144k
    • MT + ST: Rampart + 30%
    • If timed correctly, tank mitigations can last until Cauterize.
    • A tank's 25s short mitigation likely won't be available.
    • A DRK will be able to use The Blackest Night.


    • T: 217k-240k
    • MT + ST: Invuln or 30% + Rampart + short
    • H2 30s
    • A WAR should Holmgang regardless, as Holmgang will be back for Akh Morn's Edge #3.

    Alternative End

    • P: 116k-128k
    • M: 108k-120k
    • MT 90s, ST 90s, H2 30s, H2 120s, H2 90s, D3
    • A SCH can substitute Expedient with Fey Illumination.

    P7. Dragonking Thordan

    Each hit from Akh Morn’s Edge deals 36k-38k damage/second.

    In contrast, each hit from Gigaflare’s Edge deals 67k-71k base damage, but the three hits are spaced out over 8 seconds, leading to an average of 25k-27k damage/second (this is somewhat made up for by having to move and heal).

    Note that MT, ST, H2 and D3 should watch the Trinity autoattacks after Exaflare’s Edge to use their mitigations.

    Akh Morn's Edge #1

    • T: 5x 63k-72k
    • P: 5x 36k-39k
    • M: 5x 33k-37k
    • MT + ST: Rampart + 3rd
    • MT Reprisal, H1 120s, H2 30s, D1
    • Use H2 30s right after the second Trinity auto-attack after Exaflare's Edge.

    Gigaflare's Edge #1

    • P: 3x 57k-69k
    • M: 3x 51k-67k
    • ST Reprisal, H2 30s, D2, D4

    Akh Morn's Edge #2

    • T: 6x 63k-72k
    • P: 6x 36k-39k
    • M: 6x 33k-37k
    • MT + ST: 30%
    • MT Reprisal, MT 90s, ST 90s, H2 30s, D3
    • Use MT 90s, ST 90s, H2 30s, and D3's mitigation right after the second Trinity auto-attack after Exaflare's Edge.

    Gigaflare's Edge #2

    • P: 3x 57k-69k
    • M: 3x 51k-67k
    • ST Reprisal, H2 30s, H2 120s, D1

    Akh Morn's Edge #3

    • T: 7x 63k-72k
    • P: 7x 36k-39k
    • M: 7x 33k-37k
    • MT + ST: Rampart + 3rd
      • A WAR will Holmgang instead.
    • MT Reprisal, MT 90s, ST 90s, H1 120s, H2 30s, D2, D3, D4

    Mitigation by Role


    P2. Thordan

    3x Ascalon's Might

    • short

    Strength of the Ward

    • 30%, short

    Ancient Quaga

    • 30%, short
    • This is the latest you can use your MT 90s, and have it back by Ultimate End

    Heavenly Heel

    • Rampart + 3rd

    Ultimate End

    • Reprisal, MT 90s
      • A WAR/PLD can use Shake It Off/Divine Veil right after Sanctity of the Ward and get an additional use at the second Eye of the Tyrant stack, if killtime is slow enough.

    P3. Nidhogg

    Eye of the Tyrant #2

    • Reprisal

    Soul Tethers

    • Invuln
      • The MT can mitigate the auto-attacks after Soul Tethers.

    P4. Eyes + Saving Haurchefant


    • Rampart → 30%
    • MT 90s
      • This is just to help out with healing, as there is no other place to use it before saving Haurchefant.

    Steep in Rage

    • Reprisal

    Pure of Heart

    • Reprisal

    P5. Alternate Timeline Thordan

    Ancient Quaga

    • Reprisal, MT 90s
    • Use your MT 90s early to have it back by the second Ancient Quaga.

    Heavenly Heel #1

    • Rampart + short
    • If you have a WAR, they should Holmgang this instead. Tank swap if this wasn't taken with Holmgang.

    Ancient Quaga #2

    • If you used your MT 90s early enough in the previous Ancient Quaga, it will be back up here.

    Heavenly Heel #2

    • 3rd + short
      • A DRK can add Rampart if it's available because they can substitute it with Dark Mind in P6.

    P6. Double Dragons

    Wyrmsbreath #1

    • 30% + short
    • If Hraesvelgr's mouth isn't glowing, use your short mitigation on the ST co-tank.

    Akh Afah #1

    • Reprisal
      • Stand in the middle of the arena to hit both dragons with Reprisal before joining the Akh Afah stack.

    Hallowed Wings #1

    • Rampart + short
      • A DRK can Dark Mind instead of Rampart.

    Wroth Flames

    • MT 90s

    Akh Afah #2

    • Reprisal
      • Stand in the middle of the arena to hit both dragons with Reprisal before joining the Akh Afah stack.

    Hallowed Wings #2

    • 3rd + short
      • A DRK can Dark Mind in addition.

    Wyrmsbreath #2

    • 30% + Rampart
      • If timed correctly, these can also be used to mitigate Cauterize.


    • Invuln or 30% + Rampart + short

    Alternative End

    • MT 90s
    P7. Dragonking Thordan

    Akh Morn's Edge #1

    • Rampart + 3rd
    • Reprisal

    Akh Morn's Edge #2

    • 30%
    • Reprisal, MT 90s
    • Use MT 90s right after the second auto-attack after Exaflare's Edge.

    Akh Morn's Edge #3

    • Rampart + 3rd
      • A WAR will Holmgang instead.
    • Reprisal, MT 90s
    • Use MT 90s as soon as it's available.


    P2. Thordan

    3x Ascalon's Might

    • Reprisal
    • If the MT is a WAR, they'll be taking this with Holmgang.

    Strength of the Ward

    • 30%, short

    Heavenly Heel

    • Reprisal

    3x Ascalon's Might

    • Rampart + short

    P3. Nidhogg

    Final Chorus

    • ST 90s

    Eye of the Tyrant #1

    • Reprisal

    Soul Tethers

    • Invuln

    P4. Eyes + Saving Haurchefant


    • Rampart → 30%
    • ST 90s
      • This is just to help out with healing, as there is no other place to use it before saving Haurchefant.

    Brightwing #2

    • Reprisal

    P5. Alternate Timeline Thordan

    Heavenly Heel #1

    • Rampart + short
    • Reprisal
    • A WAR MT will Holmgang this. Tank swap if this wasn't taken with Holmgang.

    Ancient Quaga #2

    • If you used your MT 90s early enough in the previous Ancient Quaga, it will be back up here.

    Heavenly Heel #2

    • 3rd + short
      • A DRK can add Rampart if it's available because they can substitute it with Dark Mind in P6.
    • Reprisal

    P6. Double Dragons

    Wyrmsbreath #1

    • 30% + short
      • If Nidhogg's mouth isn't glowing, use your short mitigation on the MT.

    Hallowed Wings #1

    • Rampart + short
    • Reprisal
      • You may not be able to get this Reprisal if it's tank downtime.
      • A DRK can Dark Mind instead of Rampart.

    Wroth Flames

    • ST 90s

    Hallowed Wings #2

    • 3rd + short
      • A DRK can Dark Mind in addition.
    • Reprisal

    Wyrmsbreath #2

    • 30% + Rampart
      • If timed correctly, these can also be used to mitigate Cauterize.


    • Invuln or 30% + Rampart + short

    Alternative End

    • ST 90s
    P7. Dragonking Thordan

    Akh Morn's Edge #1

    • Rampart + 3rd

    Gigaflare's Edge #1

    • Reprisal

    Akh Morn's Edge #2

    • 30%
    • ST 90s
    • Used ST 90s right after the second auto-attack after Exaflare's Edge.

    Gigaflare's Edge #2

    • Reprisal

    Akh Morn's Edge #3

    • Rampart + 3rd
    • ST 90s
    • Use ST 90s as soon as it's available.


    This assumes your H1 is either a WHM or AST. As double barrier healer parties are fairly common, adapt this as needed if H1 is a SCH or SGE.

    P2. Thordan

    H1 120s mitigations are not commited anywhere in this phase. You can choose between:

    • Strength of the Ward + Final Chorus
    • Ancient Quaga + Heavenly Heel
    • Sanctity of the Ward + Eye of the Tyrant #2

    3x Ascalon's Might

    • Aquaveil/Exaltation → MT
    • If the MT is a WAR, they'll be taking this with Holmgang.

    Sanctity of the Ward

    • An AST's Macrocosmos is useful here, allowing an accidental 5-3 split to survive.

    P3. Nidhogg

    H1 120s are not committed to any part of this phase, so feel free to use it for comfort.

    P4. Eyes + Saving Haurchefant

    Brightwing #2

    • H1 120s
      • A WHM would Liturgy of the Bell here.

    A WHM can use Benediction on Haurchefant.

    P5. Alternate Timeline Thordan

    Death of the Heavens

    • H1 120s

    Heavenly Heel #2

    • Aquaveil/Exaltation → MT

    P6. Double Dragons

    Wroth Flames

    • H1 120s
    • A WHM would use Liturgy of the Bell here.

    Hallowed Wings #2

    • Aquaveil/Exaltation here on a tank is very nice.


    • An AST would use Macrocosmos here.
    P7. Dragonking Thordan

    Akh Morn's Edge #1

    • H1 120s

    Akh Morn's Edge #2

    • H1 180s

    Akh Morn's Edge #3

    • H1 120s


    P2. Thordan

    A SGE would prefer to Holos at Strength of the Ward, because Sanctity of the Ward can be covered by Kerachole + Panhaima (in addition to Zoe shields).

    A SGE may also need to hold Holos for Final Chorus, in which case they can use Holos only at Strength of the Ward.

    Ancient Quaga

    • H2 30s

    Sanctity of the Ward

    • H2 90s
      • Use this during the Ascalon's Might cleaves to ensure it will be back up in time for Final Chorus, even with faster killtimes.

    P3. Nidhogg

    Final Chorus

    • H2 30s, H2 90s
      • A SGE may need to add Physis II if no other extra mitigations are available.

    Eye of the Tyrant #1

    • H2 30s

    P4. Eyes + Saving Haurchefant

    Steep in Rage

    • H2 30s

    Brightwing #2

    • H2 120s
    • A SGE would use Panhaima here.

    P5. Alternate Timeline Thordan

    Wrath of the Heavens

    • H2 90s

    Ancient Quaga #1

    • H2 30s

    Death of the Heavens

    • H2 120s

    Ancient Quaga #2

    • H2 30s

    P6. Double Dragons

    Wyrmsbreath #1

    • H2 90s
      • A SGE can catch this with a Kerachole (and have it back for Akh Afah) if Kerachole is used right after the second GCD.

    Akh Afah #1

    • H2 30s

    Wroth Flames

    • H2 120s
    • A SGE would Panhaima here.

    Hallowed Wings #2

    • The tanks are taking more damage here, so give them more attention.


    • H2 30s

    Alternative End

    • H2 30s, H2 90s, H2 120s
    • A SCH can substite Expedient with Fey Illumination.
    P7. Dragonking Thordan

    Notably, SCH would prefer to use Seraph at Gigaflare's Edge, while a SGE's Panhaima excels at Akh Morn's Edge #1 and #3.

    Akh Morn's Edge #1

    • H2 30s
      • Use H2 30s right after the second auto-attack following Exaflare's Edge.

    Gigaflare's Edge #1

    • H2 30s

    Akh Morn's Edge #2

    • H2 30s
      • Use H2 30s right after the second auto-attack following Exaflare's Edge.

    Gigaflare's Edge #2

    • H2 30s, H2 120s

    Akh Morn's Edge #3

    • H2 30s


    P2. Thordan

    3x Ascalon's Might

    • Feint
      • A WAR will Holmgang this.

    Ultimate End

    • Feint

    P3. Nidhogg

    Feint doesn't change any breakpoints in this phase, so feel free to use it as you please.

    P4. Eyes + Saving Haurchefant

    Brightwing #2

    • Feint

    P5. Alternate Timeline Thordan

    Ancient Quaga #1

    • Feint
      • If the party has two casters, this Feint should go to the melee DPS, as it's more important that Feint is back for the second Heavenly Heel.

    Heavenly Heel #2

    • Feint
    P6. Double Dragons

    There aren't any great places to Feint. To just help out, the best places would either be Wroth Flames, or Hallowed Wings #2.

    P7. Dragonking Thordan

    Akh Morn's Edge #1

    • Feint

    Gigaflare's Edge #2

    • Feint


    This assumes D2 is a melee DPS.

    P2. Thordan

    Heavenly Heel

    • Feint

    P3. Nidhogg

    Eye of the Tyrant #2

    • Feint

    P4. Eyes + Saving Haurchefant

    Brightwing #4

    • Feint

    P5. Alternate Timeline Thordan

    Heavenly Heel #1

    • Feint
    P6. Double Dragons

    There aren't any great places to Feint. To just help out, the best places would either be Wroth Flames, or Hallowed Wings #2.

    P7. Dragonking Thordan

    Gigaflare's Edge #1

    • Feint

    Akh Morn's Edge #3

    • Feint


    P2. Thordan

    Strength of the Ward

    • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba

    P3. Nidhogg

    Final Chorus

    • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba

    P4. Eyes + Saving Haurchefant


    • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba

    Brightwing #2

    • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba

    P5. Alternate Timeline Thordan

    We want D3's mitigation to help the tanks cover the second Heavenly Heel and Ascalon's Might, as they are the weakest there.

    This means we want D3 to cover the first Ancient Quaga, but not the second. This also means that there is no need to try and time D3's mitigations to cover both Ancient Quaga.

    Ancient Quaga #1

    • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba

    Heavenly Heel #2 → 3x Ascalon's Might

    • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba

    P6. Double Dragons

    The best places for a MCH to use Dismantle would either be at Wroth Flames, or at Hallowed Wings #2 (use Dismantle on Hraesvelgr).

    Wroth Flames

    • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba

    Alternative End

    • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba
      • A DNC can extract the maximum value from Improvised Finish if they start Improvisation when Thordan's dialogue box disappears.
    P7. Dragonking Thordan

    Akh Morn's Edge #2

    • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba
      • Use after the second auto-attack after Exaflare's Edge.

    Akh Morn's Edge #3

    • Troubadour/Tactician/Shield Samba
      • Use as soon as it's available.


    P2. Thordan

    Ancient Quaga

    • Addle

    Ultimate End

    • Addle

    P4. Eyes + Saving Haurchefant

    Brightwing #4

    • Addle

    P5. Alternate Timeline Thordan

    Notably, D4 shouldn't Addle the first Ancient Quaga as it is already covered by D3. We prioritize D3 at the first Ancient Quaga because we need it back to help the tanks with Heavenly Heel #2.

    Ancient Quaga #2

    • Addle

    P6. Double Dragons

    Wroth Flames

    • Addle
      • Nidhogg will start out of range if it's the downtime pattern. You can also use Addle at Hallowed Wings #2 instead (on Hraesvelgr).
    P7. Dragonking Thordan

    Gigaflare's Edge #1

    • Addle

    Akh Morn's Edge #3

    • Addle

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