The Holy See
Dragonsong’s Reprise is the first Ultimate to feature a “door boss” phase.
Once cleared, the party will not need to repeat this phase, although this phase introduces various mechanics that will be encountered during the main portion of the encounter.
1. The two tanks will take the two bosses and stack them in the middle.
Try to keep Ser Adelphel a little north of Ser Grinnaux to give more space for the upcoming combination.
The party here should focus on Ser Adelphel, as Adelphel will disappear shortly. Ser Grinnaux will teleport to the center of the arena.
Hyperdimensional Slash
1. Four random players will get marked.
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2. All players now swap roles- the previously unmarked players will now get marked, and vice-versa.
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3. Ser Adelphel will reappear at a random cardinal edge and cast another Holiest of Holy. Ser Grinnaux will also cast Faith Unmoving, a knockback that can be nullified with Arm's Length or Surecast. Be sure not to get knocked back into any of the void puddles along the wall. Ser Adelphel then dashes left or right to one of the adjacent cardinal walls. The party moves towards whichever side Adelphel dashes to first. (In this example, Ser Adelphel dashes to the left.) | |
4. A whole series of AoEs then resolve along Ser Adelphel's path. The tips of these spokes on the floor will always be safe from the AoEs. | |
5. The ST moves ahead of the party as Ser Adelphel will land on that player, knocking back and killing anyone else that gets hit. The ST can invuln this hit. Ser Adelphel will then begin to cast Holiest Hallowing. This must be interrupted (by the ST), or it will recover 50% HP to both Ser Adelphel and Ser Grinnaux. |
The MT recenters Ser Grinnaux to prepare for the Playstation mechanic.
1. Players will get paired together, indicated by Playstation symbols.
The two 〇 DPS have a priority to determine who goes where: West: D1 > D2 > D3 > D4 :East | |
2. Ser Grinnaux then casts Faith Unmoving again, knocking all players back from Ser Grinnaux. This will break the chains that connect each Playstation pair, and each player will have a Heavensflame AoE centered on them. Note that we do not want to use anti-knockback abilities here, as we need the knockback in order to break the chains. |
From here, the mechanics are straightforward:
- Ser Adelphel will then cast a second Holiest Hallowing, which should be interrupted by D3 this time.
- Ser Adelphel will cast another Holiest of Holy (raid-wide damage) while Ser Grinnaux will use either Empty Dimension (donut AoE) or Full Dimension (point-blank AoE).
- Ser Adelphel will then cast a third Holiest Hallowing, requiring another Silence, followed by another Holest of Holy (raid-wide damage).
- At this point, if both bosses are alive, they begin their enrage. If either boss dies, the other starts casting their enrage.
Pure of Heart
Ser Charibert now appears west and pulls the party into a ring.
We resolve Ser Charibert’s attacks in the order HMRT (Healer → Melee → Ranged → Tanks).
- Ranged and melee alternate sides when dropping the Light Puddles.
- Tanks are last so healers are not rushing to top up the party before Pure of Heart resolves.
This method allows for full melee uptime with minimal movement.
1. First set of baits.
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2. Second set of baits.
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3. Third set of baits.
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4. Fourth set of baits.
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5. Last set of movement before Pure of Heart resolves.
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6. Pure of Heart resolves. This will be lethal unless Ser Charibert is under 30% HP.
The arena will change, and Thordan will appear. Make sure someone in the party attacks Thordan, or you will restart from this phase.
Frequently Asked Questions
[Markers] Why don't we use the uptime markers?
These markers are even closer to the center, and provide full melee uptime during the Hyperdimensional Slashes. That being said, it is a tradeoff- a closer distance means players have to be more precise with their positioning, all while adjusting to one another.
Given P1's DPS check (or lack thereof), this tradeoff between distance and accuracy isn't really worth it. |
[Playstation] Why aren't the chains breaking?
The chains break when they are stretched beyond an additional distance from their original length. That is to say, if the two chained players start far apart, then the chain needs to be stretched longer for it to break (so starting further out, then coming in after the chains spawn for the knockback doesn't work). The knockback distance alone also isn't enough to break the chain- all players should also move a bit further out towards the edges after the knockback to ensure the chains break. |