AAC Light-heavyweight M1 (Savage)

Game8.jp has gone with Inumaru’s strat for M1S as a base, changing:

  • The knockback/knockup Elevate and Eviscerate mechanic. Game8 is going with the single-tile strat.
    • When marked, that player goes to their tile and positions themselves to get knocked from one corner diagonally to the other corner of the the same tile, thus ignoring which stance the clone is actually in.
    • Melees take the two inner tiles, while ranged take the two outer tiles, with the boss staying in the center.


【Quadruple Crossing (Fan AoEs at cardinals)】
     MTD3   Baits:T/H → DPS
  H1D1 ▲ H2D4 ※ Boss-relative
       STD2   ※ Rotate CCW for pair stacks
【4:4 stacks】     【Splintering Nails】
 N/W:MTH1D1D3       (BOSS)  
 S/E:STH2D2D4     T    D   H
 ■ Knockback    ■ Spread (BOSS)
  West → MTH1D1D3   MT/ST  D1/D2
  East → STH2D2D4    D3/D4  H1/H2
【Raining Cats】
 NW:MT → MT (invuln) → MT (invuln) → D1 
 NE: ST → ST (invuln) → ST (invuln) → D2
 Near (S):H1D1D2  Far (S):H2D3D4


 【基本散開】    |【扇範囲誘導】(全てボス基準)
 D3  MT  D4   |       MTD3
 H1 ボス H2  | H1D1  ボス  H2D4
 D1  ST  D2   |       STD2
 先:TH 後:DPS ※ペア割は扇誘導位置から反時計に動く
 北/西:MTH1D1D3 南/東:STH2D2D4
 T    D   H
 北西:MT→MT(無敵)→MT(無敵)→D1 南側タゲサ:H1D1D2
 北東:ST →ST(無敵) →ST(無敵) →D2   南側外周:H2D3D4


  • The ABCD markers are for orientation.
  • The 1234 markers are where the clones will teleport to for Nine Lives #2.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions


(Full size image, Credit: u/ExiaKuromonji)

Frequently Asked Questions

[Damage Down] How strong is the damage down debuff in this fight?

The Damage Down debuff in this encounter lowers a player's damage by 25% for 30 seconds.

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