Eden’s Promise: Litany (Savage)

Akito’s strat (あきと式)

Things to check on Party Finder

Since tanks swap during this fight, check with your other tank whether MT for Umbral Orbs means whoever is currently tanking the boss, or the original MT.


■ Spread   ■ Pairs+Puddles
 D3 MT D4    D3 MT
 H1  ▲  H2  H1   D4
 D1 OT  D2  D1   H2
           OT D2
■ Umbral Orbs
 MT H1D1D3:CCW from 12 o'clock
 OT  H2D2D4:CW from 1 o'clock
■ Shadow Warrior + Umbral Orbs
 From safe side, looking at the boss:
 L:MT H1D1D3>OT H2D2D4:R
■ Voidgate
 1st→ No shadow: Spread in 十-positions
     Shadowed: Resolve shadows first
 2nd→ Clockwise from the 1st positions
     Shadowed: Resolve towers first
■ Shackled Apart: T/H: North, DPS: South
■ Shackled Together:T/H stays, DPS moves


■ 基本散開   ■ 塔ペア・沼捨て
 D3 MT D4    D3 MT
 H1  ▲  H2  H1   D4
 D1 ST  D2  D1   H2
           ST D2
■ アンブレラオーブ
 MT H1D1D3:12時から反時計回り
  ST  H2D2D4:1時から時計回り
■ スポーンシャドウ+アンブレラオーブ
 左:MT H1D1D3>ST H2D2D4:右
■ ヴォイドゲート
■ 離別の鎖:北TH、南DPS
■ 束縛の鎖:TH固定、DPS移動


The markers are just for orientation. The intercardinal markers also are indicators for the range of the AoE when the boss stands up.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions

Final Voidgates

PF uses Akito’s strat: video

This is not mentioned in the macro, and you are expected to know this coming in.

(Yes, this is a melee downtime strategy.)


(Credit: u/Syldris)

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Final Fantasy XIV Elemental DC Raid Macros