FFXIV Elemental Raid Macros

This repository is a collection of macros (and my notes) often encountered in the Elemental Data Center (DC).

Elemental is a Japanese FFXIV data center; however, it is home to servers with high populations from other countries such as Tonberry or Kujata. That being said, it is still ultimately a Japanese DC, so it generally follows Japanese strategies. Keep that in mind that when watching (English) videos/reading guides- there may be differences.


Why? Those who have been around the Discord might know that I've been wanting to rebrand things for some time now.

  • Since DC travel became a thing, I haven't been PF'ing in Elemental.
  • I also cannot cover all forms of raid content by myself (note the lack of Criterion, or Chaotic Alliance Raid coverage)

Starting with Patch 7.2, I've decided to move the resources over to XIV JP Raids. The EX and Savage resources here will get moved over, leaving this site just to host the (non-FRU) Ultimate guides, since PF seems to have associated those strats with me.

Moving forward, this site will be used for more personal content (e.g: for my statics), and not necessarily reflect what PF does.

Current content (Patch 7.1)

The current item level cap is iLvl 735.

Extreme Trials:

Unreal Trials:

Savage Raids:

Ultimate Raids:

Macro Mate

PC players with the custom XIVLauncher can use the Macro Mate plugin to sync to all the macros from this website. (This is a third-party tool and goes against the Terms of Service, so use at your own risk.)

Download and install the Macro Mate plugin, select “New” then “Subscription”, and enter the following URL:



This page is built from an underlying Github repository.

Please feel free to make a pull request if you see any errors, or if you’d like to contribute!

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Final Fantasy XIV Elemental DC Raid Macros