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About Elemental

Elemental is a Japanese FFXIV data center; however, it is home to servers with high populations from East and South-East Asia such as Tonberry or Kujata.

Because Elemental is ultimately a Japanese DC, the macros here are for Japanese PF strategies. Once in a while, the English community splinters and adds their own modifications.

On macros

Remember, the ultimate goal of PF macros is to get eight people who have never played together a clear (quickly). As a result, PF favours safer, simpler strategies, even if it means disconnecting from the boss.

If you want uptime, make a static.


  • Who MTs (main-tanks) and who STs (sub-tanks) generally follows this order:

    MT : WAR > DRK > GNB > PLD : ST

  • You will often see English players call the ST the OT instead (off-tank).
  • A note on tank swaps: Sometimes, the “MT” position refers to the original maintank, and sometimes “whoever happens to be tanking the boss at the time”. As a general rule, if where the boss faces is relevant, then “MT” will refer to whoever is currently tanking the boss.


  • H1 is the “pure healer” (WHM, AST).
  • H2 is the “barrier healer” (SCH, SGE).

DPS: The standard composition consists of one melee, one physical ranged, one caster, and one flex DPS (typically a second melee/caster).

  • D1 is the melee spot (SAM, DRG, MNK, RPR, NIN)
  • D2 is the flexible DPS slot, and is typically a second melee or caster.
  • D3 is a physical ranged (BRD, MCH, DNC)
  • D4 is a caster (BLM, RDM, SMN)

PF and progression

Generally, PF recruitment will generally follow the following progression:

First time 初見 Sometimes, you'll see 未予習 which means "without prep" or basically going blind, or 予習済 which is "have prepared" (have watched guides/videos)
Practice○○ ○○練習 You will often see a mechanic in place of ○○, although 前半 is also common ("first half"). The focus is on learning the mechanic.
Stabilize○○ ○○安定

An extension of the above, except you are expected to have reached the mechanic before and the aim is to resolve the mechanic consistently.

You may also see "Skillup/練度上げ" parties- these are typically parties that have already cleared, but would essentially like to "stabilize" the clear. These are not parse parties.

Aim to clear (A2C) クリ目

It is expected that you have made it to enrage at this point, and know all the mechanics. A couple words to look out for are:

  • 未 (not yet); e.g: "未消化" = "not yet done weeklies"
  • 済 (already); e.g: "クリア済" = "already cleared"
  • 手伝いさん (helpers)
Weekly clear 消化

You'll often see additional stipulations, like the party disbanding after three wipes, or after 30 minutes. These aren't practice parties. At least, they're not supposed to be. -_-

  • 3滅解散: "disband after three wipes" is quite common with these parties.
Parse (火力)詰め These are runs that aim to get a good parse for FFLogs. BiS (Best-in-slot gear is typically expected) and you are expected to be comfortable with the fight.

Loot rules

L>R 取り抜け

"Take loot and drop".

This is typically seen in Savage weekly clears.

Everyone takes turns rolling on loot one at a time. Anyone who wins an item then drops from the instance (so everyone only gets 1 item at most).

Oftentimes, this is "take and drop from the left" (左から取り抜け), but it's also common to explicitly list out an order for 4th floor raids, like "Weapon > Weapon coffer > Body coffer > Others" (武器>武器箱>胴箱>他)

While it is not enforcible that players don't just loot on multiple items, doing so would almost certainly get you blacklisted, and is a reportable offense.

FFA フリロ

"Free-lot" or "Free for All".

Everyone rolls Need/Greed on the items that drop.

This is more typically practiced when doing Savage weekly clears via the Raid Finder.


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Final Fantasy XIV Elemental DC Raid Macros